The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1857 He doesn't want to go!

Chapter 1857 He doesn't want to go back!

Lou Jianian knew that Rao Shichen said this on purpose, the purpose was nothing more than to scare Rao Shixin.

To be honest, after a brief contact with her grandmother, she discovered that her grandmother is actually an optimist.

Regarding the granddaughter's marriage, the grandmother is obviously happy for the granddaughter from the bottom of her heart.

Furthermore, with a status like grandma, how can it be unclear what the other half the granddaughter is looking for is like?

Therefore, it is simply nonsense about grandma not thinking about food and drink.

As far as last night is concerned, grandma's appetite is not so good.

Rao Shixin looked worried, "What will grandma do if she can't eat? Her old man didn't tell me."

"Oh?" Rao Shichen sneered: "You thought grandma would tell you about her situation, Rao Shixin, you are about to get married, how can you make grandma feel so worried."

Rao Shixin was speechless, and her mood sank to the bottom.

If she hadn't come back to country A, she wouldn't have known that the old man would do this because of her.

At this moment, all that flashed in her mind was the sick look of the old man.

Anyway, she felt very guilty.

From childhood to adulthood, grandma loved her the most. Although she grew up and returned to China, grandma still missed her, and often took the initiative to communicate with her on the screen. I stopped videoing with my grandma, and over time, my grandma seldom sent her videos in order not to disturb her.

Thinking about it now, since she returned to China, it seems that she seldom made a special plane to come to country A to accompany her grandma.

Calculate carefully, grandma is already old, how many times will she still have the chance to see grandma?
Thinking of it this way, her whole heart fell into anxiety and tension.

Just when she was feeling extremely sad, a gentle palm fell on her shoulder, the scorching temperature seemed to give her strength.

"Don't worry, maybe grandma's situation is not that bad, why don't we go in and take a look first?" Liang Feimo comforted her with a serious look: "Anyway, since we are here, as long as we spend more time with grandma, it should be fine. of."

However, Rao Shixin couldn't listen to these words.She shook her head, "I think, why not forget it."

Liang Feimo paused, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.

Then, I heard Rao Shixin continue to say: "I haven't come to see grandma for so long, now I tell her that I'm getting married, I'm afraid grandma will feel even worse after seeing me."

Liang Feimo fell silent.

On the side, Lou Jianian couldn't help coughing lightly when he heard this, and when he wanted to say something, his little hand was held by the man beside him.

The next second, she heard the man say: "Okay, it's boring for us to stand here all the time, let's leave them alone, let's go in first." After that, the man took her and walked away from the scene.

Liang Feimo pursed his lips when he saw a man and a woman stepping up the steps in front of him and gradually disappearing.

Standing where he was, Rao Shixin was very hesitant, completely unsure if he should go inside to meet the old man.

What if the old man is so angry that he can't eat after seeing her?
"Liang Feimo, why don't we go back to the hotel first?" She felt that at this time, it was better not to see the elders for the time being.

However, Liang Feimo, who heard this, seemed to have been poured cold water.

Worrying about seeing elders and wanting to see elders are the same thing for him, because he wants to complete the marriage as soon as possible, so meeting elders is a must.

He doesn't want to go back!

(End of this chapter)

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