Chapter 1858 has some similarities

Liang Feimo stood where he was, with no intention of leaving.

Of course, Rao Shixin also saw his thoughts from his silence.

It's just that this time is not the best time to meet grandma at all.

She licked her lips and was about to say something when suddenly, a car drove up not far away.

When she saw the iconic car, she froze for a moment, then sighed in a low voice, "Forget it, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back now."

Hearing this, after Liang Feimo's eyes swept towards the car along the direction of her line of sight, his expression suddenly became a little more serious.

Soon, the car stopped in front of Rao Shixin, and the door was opened, followed by the figure of a middle-aged man.

I saw that the man was wearing a neat black suit, and there were some similarities between his eyebrows and Rao Shichen's.

The man who got out of the car exuded the aura of a superior, like a noble king.

Fu De, who had come back from his business, did not expect to see his niece appearing in his presidential palace with a man just as he got out of the car.

Standing in the fluorescent light, he looked at Liang Feimo very directly.

Of course, this kind of scrutiny is only a few seconds, after all, the arrival of the niece is the most important thing to him as an uncle.

So, he glanced at Rao Shixin, his face darkened slightly, but it could be seen in his eyes that he was less cold than before.After hearing him snort softly, he said: "You girl, are you willing to come back?"

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, and then said with a dry smile: "Uncle, I'm sorry, I'm too busy, so I just"

"Busy?" Fu De raised his eyebrows slightly, "That's really a good reason."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin knew that no matter how much he explained, it would be useless.Simply, she took out her trump card.She walked up and hugged Fu De's arm, shaking and said: "I'm sorry, Uncle, I really want to come too, but I'm a big star now, I really don't have time, no, I'm here for a while The filming of the scene I just picked up is almost finished, why don't I fly back immediately?"

I have to say that using this trick to deal with Fu De is still very effective.

I saw that Fu De's expression was obviously softer, "Who asked you to film? The family can't support you or something? You want to start a business, or help your brother manage the company. If you can't, you can You can come to inherit your grandmother's throne, but you don't want to become an actor? Tell me, what's so good about being an actor?"

Rao Shixin licked his lips and said, "But I just like acting. It's like you like being the president."

"Strong words make sense."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Are you contradicting me?"

"No, how dare I contradict my uncle? What I mean is, I like acting in order to play better roles for the audience, and uncle, you like to be the president because you want to give the people of country A a better life." Life, speaking of it, our goals and ambitions are quite the same."

"You can talk."

"Hey, but counting, uncle, your ideal is greater than mine. There is no comparison at all. Uncle, you are really amazing."

"Okay, don't think that I will let you go after a few compliments."

"I didn't do anything wrong, it's just that I was too busy to come back. Are you going to teach me a lesson, Uncle?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

The two of them just say what you say to me.

However, Liang Feimo, who had been silent at the side all the time, had just learned from the conversation between the two that Rao Shixin's uncle's family status was so supreme.

In an instant, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was deep in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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