The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1870 She Sees Dissatisfaction

Chapter 1870 She Sees Dissatisfaction
Fu De really couldn't help it.

You know, since the system was hacked, he had asked Ruijie to secretly summon all the top hackers, and then began to attack each other overnight.

However, the strength of the opponent is very good. So far, no hacker can bring him down.

Under such circumstances, Fu De could only compromise in the end.

Rao Shichen knew that he would definitely win.

When Fu De finally nodded to let Lou Jianian stay, Rao Shichen and Fu De bowed and apologized to Fu De for the disrespect they said just now.

Fu De turned his head and snorted softly: "What I want is not that you bow to me here to apologize."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen responded: "I understand." After speaking, he stepped forward, took the computer directly, and started to operate.

Seeing that Rao Shichen was typing on the keyboard very quickly, Fu De also had a certain kind of pride in his eyes.

Since childhood, he has been cultivating Rao Shichen's hacking skills.

Because he is a boy, in terms of cultivating interests, Fu De's first choice is naturally computers.

Speaking of which, Rao Shichen's hacking skills are so powerful, in addition to relying on his own mind and research, of course, relying on the resources given by Fu De.

Fu was very confident, knowing that Rao Shichen would definitely break through the opponent's invasion.

He was also too anxious, he only thought of Rao Shichen at this moment.

If there is a junior who can make him proud in this life, then Rao Shichen is definitely the first one.

Seeing that Rao Shichenrui's computer is so good, but he married a girl with such a complicated background, he still feels unwilling.

So, he glanced at the girl who was always standing aside.

From this point of view, the girl looks fair, but unfortunately, her background is not very good.

Perhaps sensing a line of sight staring at him, Lou Jianian glanced at him, and then collided with Fu De's gaze.

From Fu De's eyes, she saw dissatisfaction.

She smiled instead.

However, Fu De coughed lightly and asked, "Do you understand computers?"

"not understand well."

"Girls, computers, etc., it doesn't matter if they don't understand, but just because they don't understand doesn't mean they can't learn. To be a human being, the most important thing is to learn." Fu De had a serious face. , wherever it is placed, it can only be admired, of course, the final result is nothing more than being smashed and thrown into the trash can.”

Lou Jianian knew that Fu De was thinking about her.

No matter what, Fu De is an elder, she can't be cold-faced.So, she put on a smiling face and responded, "Uncle is right."

Fu De didn't expect that he said a lot of words, but in exchange for the other party's words.In an instant, he felt like his fist was hitting the cotton.

This time, he almost had a heart attack.

He snorted lightly, but didn't speak any more.

Lou Jianian thought it was a little funny.

Speaking of which, Fu De is quite arrogant.

Fu De walked to the computer, looked at Rao Shichen's operation, and asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay." Rao Shichen looked serious, staring at the screen, his hands didn't stop at all, he just kept operating, the speed was extremely fast.

Fu De's eyebrows stretched.He believed that this time, he would definitely be able to break through the opponent, because he absolutely recognized Rao Shichen's computer technology.

It's just that the truth is not what he expected in the end.

During Rao Shichen's operation, he was always a little bit short of breaking through the invasion given by the opponent.

The opponent's technique is very good, not only can escape his pursuit, but also in turn, continue to invade.

(End of this chapter)

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