The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1871 The so-called vase theory

Chapter 1871 The so-called vase theory

This time, the person who can attack the G defense system is definitely a master.

Rao Shichen ended in failure after several times of capture.

When Fu De knew that Rao Shichen had no way to break through the opponent's invasion, he instantly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He is clear about Rao Shichen's computer skills.If even Rao Shichen can't do anything, then it proves that it is very difficult for anyone to break through.

Now, Fu De finally turned around in a hurry.

Ruijie also saw his worry, so he could only persuade: "Sir, don't worry, let's think of a way."

"What else can I do?" Fu De's expression was very bad. "An opponent that even Shi Chen can't beat, his skills are definitely very powerful. May I ask, who else can we turn to now?"

"This..." Ruijie intertwined his hands, obviously also caught in a difficult situation.

Rao Shichen stood on the spot, punching me with his hands, eyes slightly closed, and said: "I didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful. This is the first time I have met an opponent."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian pursed her lips, but finally said: "Why don't you let me try?"

Fu De frowned, with a serious face, "This is not a place for joking around, Shi Chen, take her out of here."

Rao Shichen paused, and then said: "Uncle, I think we can let Niannian try."

"Nonsense!" Fu De obviously lost his temper.Originally, the G defense system was hacked, and he was already annoyed enough, and after a computer expert like Rao Shichen couldn't break through the opponent, he was even more annoyed and didn't want to talk, but now, Lou Jianian actually said that he wanted to try?
How can a girl who doesn't understand computers try?
It's nothing more than messing around!

Lou Jianian firmly believes that she can break through the opponent's invasion, but Fu De refuses to let her try.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Uncle, there is no one else to try now. The worst situation is that the other party hacks into our system and takes all the information in it. It can be worse than this. Is it? So it’s like this anyway, why don’t you let me try?”

"Even if you try, will the situation improve?" Fu De snorted, "I said before, the result of the vase is nothing more than being smashed and thrown into the trash can."

Rao Shichen frowned deeply after hearing the latter words.Obviously, Rao Shichen already knew what Fu De and Lou Jianian said when he was trying to break through the other party's invasion just now.

In fact, Lou Jianian didn't pay attention to what Fu De just said, the so-called vase theory.

At this moment, all she was thinking about was how to break through the other party's invasion.

However, Fu De obviously would not agree to let her try at all.

So, in order to prove that she was not joking at all, she simply swore.

"Let me try. If I can't succeed, I can still let my uncle deal with it."

Fu De sneered, "Do you think it will be useful to say so?"

"It may be useless, Uncle, how can you trust me?" Lou Jianian already had a set of ways to defeat the opponent in his mind, but it was a pity that Fu De refused to let her play.

Fu De looked away, obviously not wanting to waste time with her, "Go back, I'm very busy here."

Lou Jianian completely didn't know what to say.

However, at this moment, Rao Shichen took her hand and said, "Uncle, I can guarantee that Niannian will succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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