Chapter 1872 Incredible expression

Unexpectedly, Rao Shichen would say that, Lou Jianian was taken aback.

Fu De's face darkened, "Shi Chen, do you know what you are doing?"

"Uncle, I know exactly what I'm doing. Since Nian Nian wants to try, I believe she has a way." Rao Shichen's hazel eyes were full of determination.

"Bastard!" Fu De was already angry, "One or two are messing around, go back to me!"

"Uncle, isn't it time for you to let me come?" Rao Shichen responded, "When I was doing the test just now, why didn't you think about rejecting me, Uncle?"

"Nonsense, I know exactly where your computer skills are. As for her, a girl who doesn't understand anything, what can she do?" Fu De's words have already expressed his evaluation of Lou Jianian in his heart.

Rao Shichen also lost his temper, "Since this is the case, if uncle won't let her try it today, I will take her to live here."

"You!" Fu Deqi's forehead burst out with veins.

Ruijie watched from the side, feeling anxious to death.At this juncture, how can Mr. President and His Royal Highness still quarrel?What can I do now?
He knew that he was soft-spoken, even if he tried to persuade him, it would definitely be useless.

Fortunately, the gunpowder between Fu De and Rao Shichen lasted only a few minutes, because the whole system made a beeping sound.

All the technicians gathered around, and soon, someone said in a panic: "Oops, the other party has already started to extract our information."

Hearing this, Fu De's expression changed, and he clenched his fist and slammed it on the table, "Damn it!"

Rao Shichen's expression became tense, and at this moment, the little hand he was holding in his palm suddenly pulled away.

Lou Jianian pushed his hand away, stepped forward, pulled out the chair and sat down, and at the same time took the keyboard to start operating.

The crackling sound resounded throughout the headquarters.

Lou Jianian's speed was so fast that everyone was dumbfounded.

This speed is faster than Rao Shichen's just now.

Garbled characters flashed continuously on the entire big screen, once white and then black, almost blinding people.

Seeing that the situation was getting so bad, Fu De didn't try to stop Lou Jianian even if he wanted to.

In his opinion, if the data and information are stolen, country A will face the most dangerous situation next.

If he gets to that point, he can only find a way to seek international help.

He had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

On the big screen, the other party continued to steal all the information, but after a while, garbled characters appeared again.

The picture is extremely chaotic.

All the technicians were dazzled.

Lou Jianian was so engrossed that he had no time to pay attention to other things.At this moment, all her energy is on the screen.

Seeing her typing on the keyboard with both hands faster and faster, everyone present was dumbfounded.

So far, no computer hacker has been so fast.

Can this still be called a hand?
There was a constant crackling sound, and the surrounding sounds one after another.

Just when everyone was in despair, suddenly, on the big screen, the information that was originally captured was blocked, and even the software started to attack the other party in reverse.

All technicians were shocked!
"What's going on here?"

"Am I not mistaken? How did it turn around just now?"

"God! Can you also chase the opponent in turn?"


Fu De stared at the big screen with an incredible expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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