Chapter 1889 Really changed a lot!
Lou Jianian smiled, "It's early for you too."

Hearing the little girl's polite call, Fu De and An Luomei were very comforted.

It seems that after my daughter went to school to receive ideological education, she really changed a lot!
Rao Shichen took Lou Jianian to his seat and began to enjoy breakfast.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the meal, an emergency call came, and Rao Shichen went out after answering the call.

Then, after Fu De had almost eaten, he also got up and left.

At the dining table, An Luomei, Lou Jianian and Fu Keer were left for a moment.

Because Fu Siruo wanted to participate in the tedious affairs of the royal family, he was not in the presidential palace for the past two days, but stayed at the palace.

Great morning, great breakfast.

An Luomei was in a particularly good mood. She took a piece of bread and spread jam on it, then ate it slowly, and chatted with Lou Jianian by the way.

She can be heard saying: "Nian Nian, the prescription you gave me last time is really good, I just took it a few times, and the insomnia will be cured immediately."

Lou Jianian smiled, "Since it's effective, then Auntie, you can take it a few more times."

"I'm planning on this, but speaking of it, your prescription is too amazing. I have seen many doctors before and took a lot of medicine, but it has no effect at all. I didn't expect your prescription My son, cured my insomnia."

"Actually, insomnia is not difficult to cure. Auntie, you probably worry too much, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. You should try to relax yourself on weekdays."

An Luomei nodded, "I'll pay more attention in the future, but unfortunately your uncle always annoys me, he's not in good health, and often stays up late to work, if I hadn't gone to the study to catch him last night, he would still have to work It's two or three o'clock."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian realized that Fu De worked so hard on weekdays!

After thinking about it, she said, "If uncle often stays up late, he should pay more attention."

An Luomei: "No, I often ask him to pay more attention, but how can he hear me? By the way, Nian Nian, since you know Chinese medicine, can you write a prescription for your uncle or something? When he was checked last time, some indicators were not very good."

"What indicators? Or, what symptoms does uncle have?" Lou Jianian wanted to ask clearly.

Although he knows Chinese medicine, he always has to prescribe the right medicine, and he can't do anything wrong.

An Luomei patted her forehead, "Your uncle was here just now, and I forgot to ask you to take his pulse. I'm not sure about the symptoms. By the way, I still have the checklist from his last physical examination." Now, I'll go up and look for it, and then I'll take it down and show it to you."

"Alright, I'll take a look at the list, and then I'll write the prescription."

So, An Luomei got up and went upstairs.

Lou Jianian continued to eat breakfast.Because today is the weekend, there is nothing to be busy with. Besides, the employees of the company have been a lot tired recently, and today is also a holiday. Forget about urgent work.

Just when she was eating the sandwich, suddenly there was an immature and dissatisfied child's voice next to her, saying, "Hey, even though I call you cousin, it doesn't mean that I have accepted you, do you know ?”

Hearing this, Lou Jianian looked up, and saw that the little girl who had been cute in front of An Luomei just now had an arrogance and contempt on her face.

"It doesn't matter."

This simple response made the little girl unhappy immediately.

In fact, Lou Jianian has long seen that Fu Keer's attitude towards him has never changed at all.

As for those polite expressions just now, the little girl was just showing off to her parents.

Speaking of it, she really didn't understand why this child was hostile to her?

(End of this chapter)

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