The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1890 Admiring the little girl's expression

Chapter 1890 Admiring the little girl's expression
Fu Ke'er was really stimulated by Lou Jia's remark that it doesn't matter.

Originally, she thought that this so-called cousin would be very sensible, but the result was beyond her expectation.

She was very angry, and after putting down the tableware, she stood up with her hands on her hips, and said to Lou Jianian, "Don't push yourself."

After all, Lou Jianian is an adult, how could he be so easily affected by a little girl's film.Seeing her eating gracefully, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Are you trying to make progress?"

"Do you think that if I call you cousin, you are really my cousin? Let me tell you, I don't recognize it." Fu Ke'er's tone was very firm.

In the eyes of the little girl, the cousin in front of her took herself too seriously.

Lou Jianian shrugged, "Didn't I say it doesn't matter? Are you willing to recognize me as your cousin? According to my seniority, I am indeed your cousin. As for the so-called gaining ground, I actually don't mind how much you shout. Me, of course, you can also call me Miss Sister."

"You!" Fu Ke'er's round face was so angry that she was speechless.

After all, she's just a little girl, even if she has a clever mouth, she can't compare to Lou Jianian's IQ.

Lou Jianian was enjoying the breakfast, admiring the little girl's expression.

It seems that this child is usually spoiled at home, so he is so supercilious.

However, let's say that this child is supercilious, but the little girl is very polite to other elders at home.

So speaking of it, the biggest wish is that the little girl hates her cousin.

"Don't even think about me calling you Miss Sister, that's absolutely impossible!" Fu Ke'er gritted her teeth, and angrily found a sentence to refute Lou Jianian.

How could Lou Jianian argue so much with a little girl.She just wanted to get angry with the little girl because of her attitude.Really, the little girl was too rude to her.

"Well, whatever."

Fu Ke'er snorted, her expression was very proud.

At this moment, footsteps came from the entrance.

Then a man and a woman appeared.It was Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo who had just woken up.

After coming to country A, Liang Feimo didn't have the heart to deal with work, so he just circled around Rao Shixin all day long.

Last night, the two went out for a stroll, and it was already late at night when they came back.Originally coming back late, Rao Shixin was so tired that he was dying, but Liang Feimo didn't expect Liang Feimo to pester her to go to the bathroom to take a bath together.

In the end, the two struggled for a long time before falling asleep before dawn.

I fell asleep and woke up now.

When Rao Shixin went to bed together, Liang Feimo woke up immediately.

So, the two came down after washing up.

Rao Shixin was wearing pajamas, while Liang Feimo was wearing black trousers and a white shirt.

After all, the presidential palace is Rao Shixin's home, and there are several elders. Liang Feimo came down in pajamas without the nerve.Of course, Rao Shixin didn't have that awareness.

From her point of view, this is the same as she usually is at home, very casual.

As soon as he walked into the restaurant, Rao Shixin saw Lou Jianian and Fu Keer at the dining table.

All along, Rao Shixin has been busy in the country and rarely comes back, but this does not mean that she and Fu Keer are unfamiliar.On the contrary, the two of them are very good, after all, cousins.

Just seeing Fu Ke'er, Rao Shixin was so excited that he rushed up and hugged the little girl directly.

Fu Keer is no exception.When she saw her big star cousin Rao Shixin, her small face was instantly pleasantly surprised, "Ah! Cousin Xinxin."

(End of this chapter)

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