The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1903 I already have a plan in my heart

Chapter 1903 I already have a plan in my heart
It's still early, but after all, it's in the presidential palace, so it's not easy to sleep too late.

Today's workload is actually not much, Lou Jianian simply got up to wash up, then changed clothes and went downstairs.

Downstairs in the lobby, Fu Siruo sat on the English-style sofa in a well-dressed manner early in the morning, sipping black tea.

Lou Jianian was a little surprised to see the old man.If she remembers correctly, the old man has been very busy these two days, and it seems that he has never spent the night in the presidential palace. Since he can see the old man early in the morning, it is enough to show that the old man came here in the morning.

She walked up to the old man, with a smile on her face, and said good morning to the old man.

The old man was very happy to see her, and immediately pulled her to chat with her.

Of course, chatting questions are nothing more than about when to have a baby and so on.

When people get old, what they want most is probably a full house of children and grandchildren.

Although Fu Siruo is a queen, she is also an old man according to her age.

In fact, regarding the matter of having a child, Lou Jianian already had a plan in mind, but she was too thin-skinned to say it out loud.

Soon, her stomach protested, which diverted the old man's attention.The old man stared at her stomach and asked, "Huh? Nian Nian, are you hungry?"

Lou Jianian thought that after spending so much energy last night, he would be so hungry when he woke up in the morning, and his ears felt a little hot all of a sudden.In front of the old man, she was too embarrassed to say anything clearly, so she could only hide it: "It's probably because the weather is cold, so people tend to be hungry. By the way, grandma, have you had breakfast yet?"

The old man snorted and said, "I've already eaten. Look, my old lady is already drinking tea. Since you are hungry, go and eat."

In fact, what Lou Jia wanted was the old man's words.So, she nodded and said, "Then I'll go to have breakfast first, and I'll chat with you later."

"Okay, let's go." The old man urged.

Lou Jianian was able to escape successfully.

When she left, An Luomei just came downstairs.

As the president's wife, An Luomei has always paid great attention to appearance.No, as soon as she woke up early in the morning, she was dressed very delicately, and her face was radiant.

As soon as she went downstairs, An Luomei saw Fu Siruo who was tasting black tea, so she rushed up to meet her and said, "Mom, that's great, you've finally finished your work these two days."

Fu Siruo smiled, took a sip of black tea, nodded and said: "No, I'm finally done with work, oops, I can take a good rest for a while."

As a queen, she often has to appear on some big occasions.In the past few years, as she got older, she actually gradually reduced her appearances, but unfortunately, her throne has still not been successfully thrown out, and she is very troubled by this.

An Luomei took a seat on the sofa and said, "Mom, it happens that you are not busy anymore. In these two days, our mother, daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law can go shopping and have a beauty treatment. Shi Xin went together, it's beautiful even thinking about it."

"Hey, don't tell me, my old lady hasn't had a good time for a long time. During this time, Nian Nian and Shi Xin are also here. It's time for us women to find some time to have fun together."

An Luomei was looking forward to it, "How about just this weekend? I think Niannian doesn't need to work much on weekends."

"Okay, then the weekend will be over. By the way, Luomei, Mom has a question for you."

"Mom, you ask."

"When will you have your second child?"


(End of this chapter)

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