Chapter 1904 Somewhat flattered
An Luomei never thought that what the old man wanted to ask was this question.

In fact, she has no idea of ​​having a second child at all.

Seeing the old man staring at her expectantly, An Luomei suddenly didn't know how to respond.

She licked her lips, tried to change the subject, and said, "Well, Mom, it's too early to have a second child. Let me see that one is enough for now."

"Oh, how can it work?" Fu Siruo was a little excited, and quickly grabbed An Luomei with his slender hands, and then patiently persuaded him: "You are already 40 years old this year, so hurry up and ask for another one at this age. Think about it, if you have a second child now, your age is still an advantage. After giving birth, you will be able to regain your figure soon. don't worry about you"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old man opened his mouth, he would talk endlessly, An Luomei felt a little regretful.If she had known that the old man was here to urge the second child, she would have come downstairs later.

To be honest, since having a daughter, she has been full of daughters. For her, life is so enough, so she has not had the idea of ​​having another child for so many years.Of course, the most important thing is that now a daughter is enough to give her a headache.

Thinking about her daughter's weird thoughts before, she was worried a lot. Now that her daughter's thoughts are back on track, she doesn't have the heart to ask for another child to torment herself.

However, she does not want a second child, but the old man obviously wants to have another grandson or granddaughter.

Perhaps, the old man is worried that there will be no successor to the throne?
Just when she was still in a dilemma, a slender figure appeared at the stairs.I saw Fu De coming down in a black high-end suit.

Seeing that Fu De came, An Luomei cleverly found an excuse, and then slipped away.

Fu Siruo wanted to continue persuading him, but An Luomei's figure had disappeared.Just at this time, Fu De came and said politely: "Mom, good morning."

Seeing Fu De's appearance, Fu Siruo's eyes flickered, and he immediately shifted his target to this son.

She patted the sofa beside her with a smile, and said, "Fu De, come, sit, and chat with mom."

Fu De was taken aback for a moment.He who had never been able to get a smiling face in front of his old mother was a little flattered at this moment.

So, he sat down obediently, folded his hands on his knees, glanced at his watch, and found that the time was still early, so he asked, "Mom, what do you want to talk about?"

"Hey, what mom wants to talk about is actually very simple, Fu De, our Ke'er is eight years old this year, right? Let me tell you, Ke'er often plays alone, and I, a grandma, feel very distressed when I see it. , but it’s not good that you don’t even have a playmate? Isn’t it?”

Fu De thought about it seriously, felt somewhat guilty, and sighed softly, "Mom, I have actually considered everything you said, and now there is only one child in this family, Ke'er, who has no playmates, and Ke'er is indeed Poor thing."

Moreover, as the president, he often leaves early and returns late, and is busy with business. Since his daughter was born, he has rarely had time to play with his daughter. On this point, he blames himself.

Seeing that Fu De agreed with his words, Fu Siruo's eyes lit up, and he said, "Since you also think what I said is right, that's great. Listen to me, give Ke'er a younger brother and sister!"

Fu De: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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