The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1906 It's finally on the agenda

Chapter 1906 It's finally on the agenda

Rao Shichen's chest was full of depression.

I saw him holding the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp.

Since the evening, Fu Ke'er has been pestering Lou Jianian, leaving him no time to get close to Lou Jianian.

Lou Jianian could see his emotions, and for a moment only thought it was funny.She took another sip of tea, then put down the cup, took a pillow, adjusted a comfortable position, and continued watching TV.

Probably because of her ignorance, the man's emotions became more intense.So in the next second, her slender waist was clasped by a palm, followed by a force that pulled her body into his arms.

When she raised her eyes, she happened to see dissatisfaction written on the handsome face of the man.

Immediately, she wanted to laugh a little unkindly, but luckily she held back.She knew that if she couldn't hold back, she would definitely be cleaned up at night.

She stabilized her expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Rao Shichen frowned: "What do you think?"

"Well, I think you are probably angry because of your cousin?"

"It's good to know."

"Rao Shichen, your cousin is only eight years old."


"So, what do you care about with a small child?"

Rao Shichen's face darkened: "You said I was caring? Lou Jianian, what did you do behind my back?"

"What can I do behind your back?"

"Ke'er is suddenly enthusiastic about you, don't you have nothing to say?"

Lou Jianian rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Maybe it's because I'm full of charm?"

Hearing this, Rao Shichen snorted softly: "It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian asked, "Is it because Ke'er is passionate about me?"

"I've stayed for a long time, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

"Why?" Lou Jianian didn't understand, and felt very strange.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows and said, "If Ke'er cries for you at that time, will you be willing to leave?"

This made Lou Jianian speechless to refute.

In just one night, Rao Shichen felt a sense of crisis.

Therefore, he began to plan to leave country A with Lou Jianian as soon as possible.

Autumn in country A is very refreshing, and the environment and climate make people feel very comfortable.

The wedding of Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin was finally put on the agenda under the urging of several elders.

This time, the wedding of the two is going to be held in country A.

In order to be able to attend the wedding in time, Rao Yanzhong, Chen Yuhui, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang directly flew to country A.

With regard to the wedding, major domestic media have also begun to report.

As a big star, Rao Shixin married Liang Feimo, the president of Liang's Jewelry, with the identity of the younger sister of the president of the Rao Group. This is definitely a marriage between a wealthy family and a wealthy family. A wedding creates anticipation and curiosity.

But in fact, netizens still don't know that Rao Shixin actually has another unknown and prominent identity, that is, Rao Shixin's identity as Her Royal Highness Princess of Country A.

As the heat of the wedding schedule continues to rise.

Netizens also posted various blessings on Hot Search.

[Ah ah ah!I am really looking forward to this century wedding, I want to see Xinxin's bridal makeup, and I wish our goddess Rao happiness! 】

【Blessings!Mr. Liang and our Goddess Rao are a match made in heaven. No matter their status, appearance or figure, they are a perfect match! 】

[Fuck!I feel that novels dare not write like this. The love story between Mr. Liang and Goddess Rao is so beautiful. I wish the two of them have a baby soon. 】

[Finally we have to wait until Goddess Rao gets married. I hope the wedding can be broadcast live, so that poor dick like me can watch the rich wedding. 】

(End of this chapter)

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