The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1907 He can't ask for anything

Chapter 1907 He can't ask for anything

Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo's wedding schedule is hotly searched because of the continuous ferment of netizens.

That's right, after all, it's a marriage between two giants, so it makes people feel very excited and curious.

Netizens are waiting every day, but the person involved, Rao Shixin, is in no hurry.If it's really not urgent, it's not, the main reason is that Rao Shixin doesn't need to worry about all the details and arrangements of the wedding.

From the wedding, makeup, to various banquet venue arrangements, as well as the guest list, etc., it is all done by the elders.

Marriage is a top priority, not to mention for a wealthy family, it is a matter that concerns the appearance of the two families.

From early in the morning, Fu Siruo and An Luomei discussed the wedding with Mr. Liang and others for a long time.

Rao Yanzhong did not participate too much.As far as his old man is concerned, this time his granddaughter can get married, even if he pays him back.

After living for a long time, he lost his son and daughter-in-law in his later years. Relying on his strong perseverance, he supported the entire Rao family alone. Now, his grandchildren have finally grown up and are capable, and he also Finally, I can enjoy the good life of my old age.

Therefore, for him, as long as his grandchildren can start a family as soon as possible, that is what he most wishes for.

It's rare that the boy from the Liang family doesn't dislike him and is willing to marry off his airy little cotton-padded jacket granddaughter. He simply couldn't wish for it.

He didn't care about the wedding, but as an elder, he definitely wanted to attend. After all, she was also a granddaughter. Although it was leaking, but she was going to get married. As a grandfather, he naturally wanted to be there to witness it with his own eyes. back.

When he came to Country A this time, he brought Chen Yuhui along. Apart from attending Rao Shixin's wedding, the most important thing was that he planned to take Chen Yuhui to have a good time.

People are getting older, and the days are always counting down. He is over 70, and if he doesn't take advantage of his legs and feet to have fun, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

So, he jumped outside from morning to night every day.

In fact, there are many places worth visiting in country A. Rao Yanzhong visited many times when he was young, but he came less often when he was older.

As an in-law of the royal family of country A, although he is in the country all year round, he is still very familiar with country A.

This time, he also made a strategy first, and then took Chen Yuhui everywhere.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Chen Yuhui to go abroad.

The environment and climate of country A are very suitable for the elderly. Although it is the first time to come here, Chen Yuhui quickly fell in love with it.

Of course, when she came here, she never expected to know so many things that shocked her. For example, it turns out that Rao Shichen is the nephew of the president of country A and the grandson of the queen. And it's the one with the right to inherit the throne, of course, it's just that Rao Shichen has no desire to inherit the throne.

To be honest, after learning about this, it took her a whole day to digest it.

In terms of status, since Rao Shichen is His Royal Highness, in other words, Lou Jianian is His Royal Highness.The sudden addition of this layer of royal status made her, an old man, feel very worried.

One must know how honorable the royal family must be, and Lou Jianian is just a commoner, so marrying into this kind of family has to endure much pressure.

Fortunately, after she came to the presidential palace and got in touch with the queen and president of country A, she felt that all her worries were unnecessary.

It turns out that the real rich and nobles exude unparalleled quality and self-cultivation from their bones.

There was no worry that Lou Jianian would be under pressure after joining the royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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