The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1914 Even being forced to eat dog food!

Chapter 1914 Even being forced to eat dog food!
In the eyes of everyone full of blessings, Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo looked at each other lingeringly.

The priest began to ask: "Mr. Liang, would you like to marry Ms. Rao Shixin as your wife, and from now on, no matter whether you are rich or poor, you will always cherish her, love her, protect her, and never leave her?"

Liang Feimo replied very seriously: "Yes, I am very willing!"

Priest: "Very good. Now, I would like to ask Ms. Rao, are you willing to marry Mr. Liang, stay with him for the rest of your life, love him forever, and never leave him, regardless of birth, old age, sickness or death?"

Rao Shixin nodded: "Yes, I am willing."

The priest smiled with satisfaction, "Then, now I invite the two newcomers to exchange rings."

Therefore, Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin put the rings on each other's ring fingers.

With the end of this simple exchange ceremony, the scene burst into applause.

Lou Jianian's eyes were sour.Although today's protagonist is not her, as a woman, seeing the couple get married, she can't help being touched.

Just when she was moved, the man beside her held her little hand, and the warm touch reached the depths of her heart through the palm of her hand.She looked up, only to find that the man's deep eyes were looking at her.

At that moment, her whole heartbeat was a little chaotic.

Through eye contact, she saw the affection in the man's eyes.

She knew what this man wanted to give her, but in fact, she felt that what she got was enough.

For her, the days after marriage are the most real, and she is very happy now.

As for the wedding or something, she really doesn't need it very much.

Just as she and the man were looking at each other, suddenly, there was a crying sound from the side.

"Hey, my Shi Xin is finally married." Rao Yanzhong was the one who was so moved that he cried.I saw the old man wiping away tears, very sad and happy.

After living such a long time, he finally saw his grandchildren grow up, and now they are all married. He is satisfied in this life.

It's just that, before, he had always hoped that his granddaughter would get married as soon as possible, but now that he was fine, seeing that his granddaughter was really married, he realized that he was actually a little bit reluctant.

Fu Siruo said disgustedly at the side: "Tsk tsk tsk, old man Rao, don't cry, we have to go outside to take pictures later, if the reporters outside know that you are crying, it would be so embarrassing."

Rao Yanzhong: "Aren't I reluctant? Shi Xin is married, and she will be the daughter-in-law of the Liang family in the future. I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

"Hehe, who was it that wished that Shi Xin could get married as soon as possible, but now that Shi Xin is married, someone is crying again, that's true." Fu Siruo snorted.

Rao Yanzhong had nothing to refute for a while.However, he was really uncomfortable in his heart.

On the side, Chen Yuhui held Rao Yanzhong's hand intimately, and said, "Don't cry, Shi Xin is married, this is a happy day, and you don't have to worry about Shi Xin anymore, isn't that great?"

"Hey, Yuhui, that's what I said, but now that the children are getting married and starting a family, I feel that I am getting old in an instant, and the children will have their own small families in the future."

"It's okay, the children have their own families, but don't you still have me?"

Rao Yanzhong paused, and suddenly he felt much more at ease, "That's right, fortunately, there is Yuhui you."

Chen Yuhui smiled.

The two old people just held hands like this.

Fu Siruo: "."

At this age, she is forced to eat dog food!

(End of this chapter)

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