Chapter 1915 seems to be touched
After Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin completed their wedding ceremony, the next step was to receive everyone's blessings.

The guests all surrounded the newlyweds.

As the president, Fu De was naturally surrounded by the people present, including Fu Siruo, of course.

As the granddaughter of the queen of country A and the nephew of the president, Rao Shixin absolutely has the highest status in country A.

In this wedding, the guests present were all people of prominent status, so there were not a few people who flattered them.

Finally, after the guests had finished their blessings, Rao Yanzhong held Rao Shixin's hand and said earnestly: "Girl, you are married. Grandpa wishes you happiness in the future."

Rao Shixin nodded, "I will, Grandpa, don't worry."

Maybe it's because she became a bride, today she looks extraordinarily beautiful and charming, even her cheeks are slightly rosy.

Rao Yanzhong suddenly felt emotional, "It's really unexpected, my little padded jacket has grown up, I..." As he spoke, he burst into tears.

Seeing this, Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong? Grandpa."

"Grandpa is a little sad. Seeing that you are getting married, I feel a little sad. Shi Xin, you are my grandpa's treasure. After you get married, remember to come and accompany me more often." Rao Yanzhong held Rao tightly. Shi Xin's hands and eyes were filled with tears.

Rao Shixin was very moved.She has always felt that she is not loved, but she never expected that her grandfather would be so reluctant to see her getting married.

Immediately, she felt a little sad, "Oh, grandpa, even though I'm married, I'm still your granddaughter."

Rao Yanzhong was already emotional, but when he heard this, he burst into tears, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Shi Xin!"

After weeping aloud, I couldn't stop it anymore.

Rao Shixin seemed to be touched too.From childhood to adulthood, grandpa seems to dislike her, but in fact, grandpa must love her.

She is grandpa's granddaughter. In this world, how can there be a grandpa who doesn't love his granddaughter?

"Woooooo, Grandpa, it turns out that you have been so reluctant to let me marry you."

Rao Yanzhong cried more and more fiercely, "Of course grandpa is reluctant to part with it. Shi Xin, you are grandpa's granddaughter. Grandpa loved you the most since she was a child. He was just worried that you were spoiled, so he often attacked you later. You I didn't even know that when you were born, grandpa was very happy."

"Grandpa, why didn't you say it earlier? I thought you always disliked me? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Rao Shixin burst into tears.

"Shi Xin"

The old and the young hugged each other in public and wept bitterly.

Everyone: "."

Are you sure this is a wedding scene?

After Rao Shixin finished crying, he wiped his eyes and said, "Liang Feimo, I'm not getting married anymore, I want to accompany my grandfather until he grows old."

Hearing this suddenly, Liang Feimo paused.Everyone was dumbfounded too!

Rao Yanzhong was still sad one second, but when he heard Rao Shixin say no to marry the next second, he was instantly dumbfounded.

He wasn't sure, so he asked, "Aren't you married?"

Rao Shixin nodded: "Yes, Grandpa, don't be sad, I'm not getting married anymore, I decided to stay with you."

"No! You have to marry!" Rao Yanzhong didn't expect that his crying would shake Rao Shixin's decision to marry. He was worried that the wedding would not be successful in the end, so he simply wiped his face and changed his expression in seconds, feeling disgusted Said: "Do you really think I can't bear to part with you? I was just joking. I have to wake up from my dreams with a smile if you are able to get married. I used to be at home every day, and my blood pressure would easily rise when I saw you."

Rao Shixin: "."

What about love?
So, love really disappears?

(End of this chapter)

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