The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1916 Getting married is more tiring than filming

Chapter 1916 Getting married is more tiring than filming

Rao Yanzhong is very fortunate that his acting skills are very good.

Fortunately, Rao Shixin was not willful in the end, and the wedding was successfully completed.

Outside the church, the media and reporters were all waiting to take pictures, and there were crowds of people everywhere. If there were no bodyguards guarding the scene, I'm afraid the scene would be chaotic.

After the wedding, the door was opened, and Liang Feimo showed up with Rao Shixin. When he walked down the steps, reporters and media immediately snapped photos, and even broadcast live.

Of course, the reporters and the media can only take pictures within the range of the bodyguards at most, and there is no way to get close to the couple.

People came out of the church one after another, and as the status of the people who appeared became more and more prominent, the media and reporters were all shocked.

"Everyone, am I dazzled? Is that Mr. President of Country A?"

"You read that right, it is indeed Mr. President, God! And the wife of the President is also here."

"What's going on here? Rao Shixin is married, why are Mr. and Mrs. President here?"

"I'll go! Girls, girls."

"What girl?"

"Queen! Take a closer look, isn't that the queen?!"

"What? The queen is here too?"

"It really is!"


All the reporters and media present went crazy and rushed to take pictures from all angles!
When Rao Shichen appeared leading Lou Jianian, he deliberately raised a palm and landed on Lou Jianian's shoulder, bringing him to his side.He knew very well that after today, his identity as Prince A's prince would soon be made public by the domestic media.

In other words, Lou Jianian's identity as the concubine of Prince A was naturally known to everyone.

After receiving the certificate for so long, it's time to make it public.

The wedding lasted all day, and after the ceremony in the church, everyone moved to the hotel.

In the evening, the wedding reception will be held at the hotel.

Rao Shixin changed many sets of clothes in one day.

Unexpectedly, getting married is more tiring than filming.

However, this is only one time in her life, no matter how tired she is, she will naturally insist on showing herself in the most beautiful state.

After much difficulty, after the wedding banquet, she felt that both feet were not her own.

Fortunately, Liang Feimo was holding her, and when she returned to the presidential palace, she sat slumped on the sofa.

Before Liang Feimo could take off her suit, she went to fetch a basin of water to soak her feet.

When the warm water soaked his entire feet, Rao Shixin sighed comfortably.

She was really tired.

If she had known that marriage was like this, she would rather be simpler.

Fortunately, the wedding is over, and she can go on her honeymoon next. She feels happy when she thinks about it. When she comes back from her honeymoon, she will just be able to catch up with the finale of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" and the crew's promotion. The time is really arranged Just right.

Thinking of the crew, she suddenly remembered that Shen Qinghuan had asked her to help find someone who could play Fairy Zixia. In fact, she thought that there might be someone suitable.

"How are you feeling?"

Beside her, a man's deep and magnetic voice sounded, and she realized that the man was massaging her feet.

I have to say, this man is really caring.

This newlywed knew how to wash her feet on the first night.

"The strength is okay, but the water seems a little cold."

As soon as the man heard this, he got up and went to heat the water.

(End of this chapter)

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