The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1931 He hardly let himself rest

Chapter 1931 He hardly let himself rest

Nalan waited all night, but couldn't wait for Leng Qirui.

Throughout the night, heavy rain continued.

The next day, the sun pierced through the clouds and illuminated the entire city of Los Angeles.

A penthouse condominium located in a very valuable place.

Leng Qirui woke up early in the morning.It was only six o'clock in the morning, and he had always had the habit of exercising.

As soon as he got up, he changed into a tracksuit and started running on the treadmill.

After running for about an hour, he ended up taking a change of clothes and entering the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he changed into his suit.

After changing clothes, there was a knock on the door, and it was Cai Xi who came.I saw him carrying a bag of breakfast.Just now, Leng Qirui called him and asked him to buy breakfast.

Cai Xi bought breakfast at a nearby restaurant.

Leng Qirui simply had breakfast, and at the same time listened to some work reports from Cai Xi.

After breakfast, he went back to work directly in the company. It was still a busy day, but after he finished his work, he didn't go back to the villa, but went to the apartment.

This apartment is actually not far from the company. He bought it for the convenience of his work.

Of course, he has a driver to pick him up and drop him off on weekdays. Unless necessary, he usually goes back to the villa.

The apartment covers a large area and has everything you need, but it's just that you rarely live in it, and it's a bit cold.

Tonight, the moon is thin and the evening breeze is cool.

Leng Qirui returned to the apartment, changed his clothes, and then sat down at the desk to work.

Working constantly, he hardly ever allowed himself a break.

At the same time, Nalan Jun, who had been waiting in the villa for a day, felt a little puzzled when he found out that Leng Qirui hadn't come back yet.

Just thinking about it, it's not surprising that a workaholic like him sometimes stays out at night.

She thinks that the man is for the convenience of work, so he temporarily stays overnight in the company.

In the apartment, Leng Qirui stopped working until late at night.Because he didn't feel sleepy, he poured a glass of wine, walked to the terrace, and tasted the wine while admiring the night.

After drinking a glass of wine, the phone rang, and it was from the castle.

After seeing the caller ID, Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, then pressed the answer button and asked, "What's the matter?"

On the phone, the bodyguard's respectful voice came, saying: "Mr. Leng, the young master seems to be ill."

Hearing this, Leng Qirui tightened his grip on the phone, and his voice became a little displeased: "What is it like? What's going on?"

Bodyguard: "The young master has been lying on the bed and sleeping since night until now. He doesn't eat, and he doesn't answer no matter who calls."

Leng Qirui's expression turned ugly: "Where's the doctor?"

"The doctor has already been here, just..." the bodyguard hesitated to speak.

Leng Qirui seemed impatient, and asked coldly, "Speak clearly!"

"Mr. Leng, the doctor came to see the young master. After the examination, the doctor found that there was nothing abnormal about the young master's body, but the young master has been lying down and sleeping like this, and he didn't eat. The doctor thought that the young master might be mentally disturbed." some problems.

The bodyguard did not dare to say the last two words.

Leng Qirui was silent for a while, and then said: "Find him a psychiatrist." After giving the order, he hung up the phone.

The night was a bit dark, standing on the terrace, Leng Qirui held the phone, hesitating for a while whether to bring the little guy back.

(End of this chapter)

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