The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1932 Zhong Ruohan has a moment of disappointment

Chapter 1932 Zhong Ruohan Was Disappointed For A Moment
The golden sun cast on the villa.

Nalan knew that Leng Qirui didn't come back last night, so he didn't have to bother preparing breakfast early in the morning.

However, what she didn't expect was that an unexpected guest came to the villa in the morning, and this person was Zhong Ruohan.

Today's Zhong Ruohan is the same as usual, dressed especially delicately and beautifully.Of course, from a woman's point of view, she is indeed very good-looking, at least Nalan Jun thinks so.

I saw Zhong Ruohan with her long hair tied up, her face painted with makeup, and she was wearing the latest season of Givenchy's clothes. The price was very expensive, but the fabric or design was indeed beautiful.

Because Zhong Ruohan is a frequent visitor to the villa and Leng Qirui's partner, there is no need for a servant to inform him, and he came in directly.

Usually at this time, Leng Qirui is having breakfast, Zhong Ruohan came to the restaurant, seeing that Leng Qirui was not there, he was a little confused for a while.

Nalan Jun happened to be cleaning the dining table or something.As a servant, she always needs to keep the restaurant clean and tidy.

When she saw Zhong Ruohan, she still greeted him politely.

Zhong Ruohan has a good background, so naturally he is not far behind in terms of quality.Since the last time she spoke with Nalan Jun openly, although she was on guard against Nalan Jun, at least she was not so hostile.

Seeing her very polite smile, she asked, "Where is Leng Qirui?"

Nalan Jun shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know."

"What's going on?" Zhong Ruohan frowned.

Nalan Jun: "Sir, you haven't come back these two days."

"Didn't come back?" Zhong Ruohan was thoughtful.She was too busy during this time, she was away on business for some time, and she came back only in the middle of the night last night.

No, she just returned to China, and she didn't care about resting, so she came here immediately.

Originally, she wanted to meet Leng Qirui, and talk about a previous planning project by the way, but she didn't expect to be able to meet him after she arrived.

Nalan Jun thought about it for a while, and said, "Maybe Mr. is too busy, so he didn't go back to the villa."

Hearing this, Zhong Ruohan didn't stay any longer, but left.

On the other side, after Leng Qirui had breakfast in the apartment, he went directly to the company.

When he came to the company, he met Zhong Ruohan.

Zhong Ruohan knew that he couldn't see a man in the villa, so he would definitely meet him when he waited at the company.And as expected, she didn't come here long before she saw someone.

"Qi Rui, I finally see you." I saw surprise on her face, which shows how happy she is, "I went to your house to look for you in the morning, and the servant said that you haven't come home for two days. I think you must I was too busy, so I came to the company to wait for you, but I didn't expect that I would actually wait for you."

Leng Qirui looked indifferent, and said, "What do you need from me?"

With a very cold sentence, the smile on Zhong Ruohan's face froze for an instant.But soon, she joked: "Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Leng Qirui said, "I'm busy." Then, he walked into the office with long legs.

Seeing the man so cold, Zhong Ruohan was disappointed for a moment.She hurriedly followed up and said, "Just kidding, actually I have something to do with you."

She followed into the office all the way, and when the man was seated at the table, she took out the cooperation plan of the project planning in the bag and put it on the table.

"Qirui, look, I have made some adjustments to the plan again, this time, I am very serious."

(End of this chapter)

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