Chapter 1936 Does it work?

Time flies, so many years have passed.

The son she finally gave birth to after she was pregnant in October was already four years old in the blink of an eye.

Over the years, she has always cared about her son with all her heart.

Leng Qirui's conditions are indeed very good. At the beginning, she only left willingly to keep her son. The biggest reason was because she believed that Leng Qirui could provide his son with enough material life. She couldn't compare to this alone.

In order to allow her son to live a quality life, she cruelly gave up fighting for his son's custody rights, packed her things and left Leng's house alone.

Unexpectedly, after she left, her son lived such a cold life, with no one to care for him, and his inner world was also lonely.Thinking of it this way, she felt extremely regretful.

If she had known this was the case, she would have taken her son away with her life and death.

Unexpectedly, it would be so difficult for her to meet her son now.

Leng Qirui didn't want her to get too close to her son, in the end he just didn't want her to get too close to her.But, the son is her own after all, how could she really not recognize him?
Maybe Leng Qirui sent his son to other places just to get revenge on her?But is it possible?
She still can't figure out what a man is thinking.Probably, the method given by Uncle Zhang is worth a try. She has at least had a relationship and marriage with a man. No matter what, the man can look at the past and relax his attitude. At least, let her continue to take care of her as a servant. son.

Of course, all of this has to be agreed with the man.No matter what, she is the son's biological mother, no one is more suitable to take care of the child than her!
Therefore, she has to continue to work hard, at least work harder, trying to use the past to melt the man's ruthless heart, so that the man can send her son back, so that she can also stay with him and take good care of him The son, even if, is only in the capacity of a servant.

In the middle of the night, she was walking back and forth in the garden alone, her whole mind was thinking about it, and she finally came back to her room to rest after she finally figured it out.

However, as soon as she left, she saw a slightly aged figure standing in front of the steps not far away.

In the middle of the night, everyone except Nalan couldn't sleep, even Zhang Bo was no exception.In the past two days, Uncle Zhang was also anxious about the relationship and progress between the two young people.

Originally, he thought that as long as one of them was willing to take that step first, the relationship would definitely be rekindled, but what made him happy was that the wife had already made a change for the sake of the young master.

Although, the purpose of the wife is not to reunite with the husband, but to see the young master, but as long as the husband is not so cold and hard, he believes that the two of them can definitely start again.

Just when he thought everything would go well, unexpectedly, the husband didn't come home all night.It has been two days, and the husband has not shown up, and I don't know if the husband is really busy.

Or, does the husband have no intention of reuniting with his wife at all?
However, he thinks this is absolutely impossible!

The husband has never forgotten his wife in his heart, and he knows this very well.

So, the husband didn't go home to avoid his wife?

When he suddenly thought of this, he himself felt incredible.It turned out that the husband also had the courage not to face it!
In this way, it is feasible for the wife to try every means to bring back the memory of the husband?

Probably because he understood this, he was both surprised and delighted!
(End of this chapter)

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