Chapter 1937 began to move

The next day.

The sun shines on the garden of Leng's villa.

A Maserati drove in and stopped at the steps.

The car door opened, and Zhong Ruohan got out of the car.Today, she looks more radiant than before.

Exquisite makeup and high-end clothing make her look even more noble.

The weather was nice and she had a smile on her face, obviously she was in a good mood.

Ever since she learned that Leng Qirui had sent the little guy abroad last night, she began to think about it.

She has coveted the position of Mrs. Leng for a long time, and she has been trying to develop boyfriend and girlfriend with Leng Qirui in the name of work, but all this is more difficult than she imagined.

This man Leng Qirui is really hard to figure out.However, no matter how difficult a man's mind is, he still cannot escape the barrier of a woman.

At a young age, she didn't believe that Leng Qirui would not need it.

Therefore, it happened that Leng Qirui had a bad relationship with her own son, so she could take advantage of it. Her considerate and meticulous care would definitely let Leng Qirui see her strengths.

Thinking of this, she cheered up.Early in the morning, she drove to Leng's house, planning to make a breakfast here, and then bring it to Leng Qirui's company.

The purpose of coming here on purpose is to let the servants of the Leng family realize that she is about to become the mistress of the Leng family.

Already familiar with this place, after she stopped the car, she went directly inside, and soon came to the kitchen.

Along the way, the servants respectfully called her Miss Zhong, and she also smiled and responded politely and gracefully, even though, what she wanted to hear was Mrs. Leng more.

After coming to the kitchen like this, she didn't expect Zhang Bo to be there, so she greeted Zhang Bo directly, and of course, Nalan Jun was also included.

After briefly explaining the purpose of her visit, she asked Uncle Zhang to call the servants out, and then she began to prepare breakfast.

Zhang Bo knew her special status, so he didn't refuse her request.

Everyone in the kitchen went out, only Zhong Ruohan was busy working alone.In order to be able to make a breakfast for Leng Qirui, she really did it herself.

Nalan was helping water the flowers in the garden, after all, he had nothing else to do.However, under the colorful flowers, she was absent-minded, and the shower in her hand almost spilled on other people.

In fact, when Zhong Ruohan appeared, she began to understand why Leng Qirui hadn't come back these two nights.If she guessed correctly, Leng Qirui should have spent the night with Zhong Ruohan, so he didn't come home all night.

Think about it carefully, how could such an outstanding and attractive man like Leng Qirui have been single until now?

Maybe it's a change of season, she feels a little uncomfortable with the whole person.Halfway through watering the flowers, she felt a headache, and then went back to the servant's room to rest.

On the other side, in the apartment, after Leng Qirui woke up, he exercised for an hour as usual, then took a shower, changed his clothes, and was just about to go out when his cell phone rang unexpectedly. It was the bodyguard from country S. of.

During the phone call, the bodyguard said that Leng Zimu was sick, had a fever all the time, and was groggy, occasionally talking nonsense.

After listening to the call, Leng Qirui immediately asked Cai Xi to book a plane ticket, and then went directly to the airport by car.

Of course, Cai Xi didn't leave with her. After all, the company's affairs still need someone to watch.

Leng Qirui took the earliest flight and went directly to country S.

At the same time, Zhong Ruohan drove to Leng's after making breakfast, only to learn that Leng Qirui had gone abroad.

Hearing the news, she was a little dazed!

(End of this chapter)

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