The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1953 She feels a little tired

Chapter 1953 She feels a little tired

A lunch finally ended in a calm atmosphere.

In the afternoon, Leng Qirui was still locked in the study to work, except that he went out for more than an hour to discuss cooperation plans.

Nalan Jun was still the same, spending all his time with Leng Zimu.For a few hours, she took a nap with the little one, then basked in the sun, made afternoon tea and snacks, and read children's story books.

The afternoon passed quickly, and it was night again in a blink of an eye.

Nalan Jun's fingers were covered with Band-Aids, and Leng Zimu had discovered it.Leng Zimu blamed himself for his finger injury.The little guy didn't want Nalan Jun to cook anymore.

So, for dinner, Nalan Jun just made some simple fruit salad and boiled noodles.

Although my finger is injured, I still have to eat food, and it is absolutely impossible to be really hungry.

Leng Qirui didn't show up for dinner, but went out, maybe to talk about work, but Nalan Jun wouldn't meddle in his own business.

Now for Nalan Jun, the most important thing is to take good care of Leng Zimu.

Since Nalan Jun's arrival, Leng Zimu's body has indeed recovered quickly, and there are more smiles on his face, and he is willing to talk more.

Because Leng Zimu still needs to take good care of his body, Nalan Jun will coax him to sleep almost every night after nine o'clock.

A child who is only four years old is the time when he needs maternal love.In the process of putting him to sleep, Nalan could feel the little guy's longing for his mother.Of course, every time this happens, she will completely abandon her status as a servant, and instead play the role of mother to accompany the little guy.

At around 09:30, the little guy who has been coaxed for about 10 minutes has fallen asleep.

Nalan carefully covered the little guy with a quilt, closed the window, leaving only a gap to allow the air to circulate, and then dimmed the lights a bit.

After doing this, she left in peace.

At this point of time, for little ones, it is time to fall asleep, but for adults, it is still a bit early.

After Nalan Jun left the room, he subconsciously glanced at the study not far from the corridor.

When she found that there was no light under the door of the study, she knew that a certain man hadn't come back since he went out for dinner.

Originally, she planned to take advantage of the early hours to have a good talk with the man, but now it seems that she can only give up tonight.

After thinking about it, she simply turned around and went to the room to get a change of clothes, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a busy day, she couldn't help sighing softly when the warm water flowed over her skin.

After coming to the castle, she realized that the father and son Leng Qirui and Leng Zimu were enemies in the previous life.

She felt a little tired.

The father and son don't know what's going on?

Of course, she wouldn't think it was the little guy's fault, if there was, then the problem must be Leng Qirui.

That's why she wanted to have a good talk with Leng Qirui.It's just a pity that Leng Qirui was not in the castle tonight.

Not sure if Leng Qirui will return to the castle tonight, she plans to go to sleep directly after taking a shower.

The weather in winter was a bit dry, and when she got out of the shower, she felt dry mouth, so she went downstairs to make a cup of black tea.

Recently, she spends almost all her time with the little guy, and never leaves some alone time for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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