The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1954 Makes people sink in at a glance

Chapter 1954 Makes People Fall in Deep at a Glance
Ten o'clock sharp, it's not too late.

The mellow aroma of black tea lingered throughout the bar. She sipped the black tea and took a sip. Looking at the scenery outside the glass window, she suddenly felt very satisfied.

In the villa before, because the little guy was sent to other places, and she was very sad because she couldn't see the little guy. She lived like a walking dead every day, but since she came to the castle and saw the little guy, she realized that It turned out that she could no longer be without the company of this little guy in her life.

Since entering Leng's family as a servant, although it seems that she is accompanying the little guy every day, it is actually the little guy who supports her whole life.

If it is said that before this, her memory of the little guy was still in its infancy, then after seeing the little guy, her whole heart can no longer let go.

The four-year-old little guy looks weak and really cute. Of course, these are not the most important reasons. The key point is that before she came, the little guy was a very autistic child.

As a mother, how can you not feel sorry for your child?

After learning that the little guy has not lived like a normal child for so many years, she is of course heartbroken, and even thinks that she is also responsible for causing the child to behave like this.

If she insisted on taking the child away, maybe the child would not be like this?
But, why does she believe that the child will not be autistic if he follows her?

You know, how much harm will a single-parent family do to a child's growth?
Every time she thinks about it, her head hurts.

Slowing down, she took a sip of tea, sighed lightly, and drove away the random thoughts in her mind.

No matter what, as long as the child can make progress now, she will be satisfied. As for the others, it is useless to think about it.

So, she put down her black tea and planned to get up and go upstairs to rest, but unexpectedly, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from outside.

Apparently, some man has returned.

She looked at the time, it was around 10:30, hesitated for a while, and finally turned around and sat back.

Outside the door, the Maybach stopped in front of the steps.

The car door opened, and Leng Qirui got out of the car with long legs.After a busy night, he looked a little tired.

The slanted light from the top cast on him, casting a halo on his broad back.

I saw him carrying a briefcase, stepping up the steps, and walking into the hall, his sight immediately caught a certain figure sitting at the bar.

The warm light hit Nalan Jun.Her long hair was scattered behind her just after taking a bath, and she was wearing a black fine velvet nightgown, making her seem a little mysterious and noble for no reason.

Maybe because she knew he was back, she turned her chair slightly when she was sitting at the bar, so she quickly turned to face him.

The night was dark, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was a little quiet. Leng Qirui raised his hand to loosen his tie, feeling that the air was a bit stuffy.

Nalan Jun twitched the black tea on the bar and poured out, "Mr. Leng, do you have time to talk?"

Hearing this, Leng Qirui narrowed his eyes and pursed his thin lips slightly.Tonight, when he was discussing cooperation with his partner, he drank some wine, which made him feel a little drunk. Although he wasn't drunk, he couldn't restrain his rationality after all.

I saw his palms and fingertips hanging by his side slowly kneading, as if he wanted to grab something, and at the same time, his eyes were on the white neck exposed by the girl's nightgown at the bar.

That touch of white, like the moonlight in winter, makes people fall in love at a glance.

"What do you want to talk about?" His voice was cold and hoarse.

Nalan Jun hoped that tonight's conversation would yield better results, so his attitude was a little softer.As everyone knows, her softness, in the eyes of a certain man, adds a kind of flirtatiousness and charm.

"Talk about what to do next."

(End of this chapter)

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