The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1955 The depths of white glow

Chapter 1955 The depths of white glow

Leng Qirui stepped up to the bar and sat down, followed by a glance at the black tea that Nalan Jun was twisting in his hand.

Soon, Nalan Jun realized that the next conversation was likely to delay the man's time, so he thought about it and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

Leng Qirui's expression was cold, with an inexplicable warmth.I saw his eyebrows raised slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Yes."

So Nalan got up and made a cup of black tea for the man.

After the black tea was brewed, Leng Qirui picked up the cup and took a sip.

Even though it was winter, the spacious hall felt very stuffy.

After Leng Qirui took a sip of black tea, he felt much more comfortable.Therefore, in the following conversation, his voice was not so cold.

He could only hear him asking, "Tell me, what do you think should be done?"

Nalan Jun raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.Probably didn't expect the man to be so talkative tonight.

She attributes it all to the change in her attitude.

After staying in the castle for so many days, she deeply felt that the father and son Leng Qirui and Leng Zimu needed to make certain concessions in order to improve the conflict between the father and son.

After thinking about it, she said, "I think Mumu may be so unfriendly to you because she lacks love."

"Oh?" Leng Qirui leaned back on the seat, put down the tea he was twirling in his hand, and asked, "Is he short of love?"

"Yeah." Nalanjun nodded, "Mumu is only four years old. If such a young child grows up in an environment of love for a long time, I don't think he will be so rude to you as a father. Of course, I'm not blaming you, after all, I'm also guilty of Mu Mu's lack of growth."

A deep look flashed across Leng Qirui's amber eyes, and he didn't deny it.

So, Nalan Jun continued, "If it's possible, I think, can you be gentler with Mumu?"

Hearing this, Leng Qirui frowned.

Nalan Jun immediately changed his words: "I don't mean that there is something wrong with your attitude, I just think that Mu Mu is only four years old."

"Because he is four years old, so he has to give up everything? This will only make him a pampered character." Leng Qirui finally retorted: "Man, it shouldn't be like this."

"?" Nalan didn't expect that there would be different opinions at the very beginning of this conversation.Of course, in order for this conversation to go on smoothly, she tried another way.

She twisted the black tea, took a big sip, and said, "That's right, you are right, Mu Mu is a boy, and I hope he can develop the character that a boy should have, but he just got married this year." At the age of four, the aspect of character is gradually developed.”

While speaking, she was anxious to express, so her body slowly leaned forward, but she didn't know that the neckline of the nightgown was accidentally opened, and a small piece of skin and a deep groove were exposed at the neck. , so that the man sitting across the bar can see clearly.

The person who didn't know that he was gone was still trying to express himself.

Leng Qirui remained silent, rubbing the rim of the teacup with his fingers, but a pair of amber eyes fell into the depths of the shining white, and even the bottom of the eyes gradually became more imperceptibly dark.

After drinking tonight, he already lacked some sense, but in front of him, the girl was still unknowingly teasing him, which made his blood flow faster.

(End of this chapter)

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