The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1971 has generated resentment

Chapter 1971 has generated resentment
Hearing Leng Zimu's words, Nalan Jun froze and didn't know how to answer for a while.

However, she didn't answer, but the little guy kept asking.

Leng Zimu: "Junjun, why didn't you answer?"

"I..." Nalan Jun paused, and then said: "I don't think there is anything to answer this question."

"Why?" Leng Zimu wanted to know the answer very much, so he asked again: "Although my stinky baba looks annoying, he is still very handsome, although he is not as handsome as me, and he is rich , I know girls like handsome and rich, so I want to know, Junjun, do you like my stinky daddy?"

Nalan Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly felt excited, so he asked back: "So Mu Mu can see the good points of her father?"

Hearing this, Leng Zimu was taken aback, then turned his head arrogantly: "I'm not praising him."

"Oh?" Nalan Jun bent down, looked at the little guy, and asked, "Then, why does Mu Mu think that Dad is handsome and rich?"

Leng Zimu: "I know he is rich. As for being handsome, that is his only advantage. Fortunately, he is not disabled, otherwise, my face must be bad."

Nalan Jun raised his lips and smiled: "I don't worry about that. In my mind, Mu Mu looks very handsome."

Suddenly being praised, Leng Zimu was a little beautiful in his heart, but it didn't show on his little face.Soon, he realized a question, that is, besides looking like a stinky papa, is it possible that he also looks like a numb?
However, he has never seen Ma Ma before, and has no idea what Ma Ma looks like.

Thinking of this question, he began to observe Nalan Jun seriously.

Nalan Jun didn't know why the little guy suddenly looked at her seriously, so he asked, "What's the matter? Mumu."

"Junjun, do I really look like a stinky daddy?" It is said that the authorities are in the dark, and the little guy is the same.

He has never thought that he looks like a stinky papa, but there are always people who say that he looks like him, such as Uncle Zhang.

Nalan Jun: "Well, Mu Mu looks like a father."

These words immediately made the little guy's face collapse.In fact, he doesn't want to look like a stinky baba at all.

"Don't Mu Mu like being like Dad?" Nalan Jun also noticed that what he said just now seemed to make the little guy unhappy.

Unexpectedly, the little guy answered unabashedly: "I don't like it."

"Why?" Nalan Jun felt very strange.It wasn't until the little guy's response made her feel as if she had been cut by a knife.

The little guy can only be heard saying: "If I don't look like a stinky baba, then I can know what the woman who gave birth to me looks like."

The child looks like his father or his mother. The little guy's words clearly reveal his inner thoughts.

Nalan was silent.Soon, she stretched out her arms to hug the little guy, and said, "Mu Mu, some things may not be as bad as you think, that woman who disappeared after giving birth to you, maybe she has always loved you very much in her heart."

"I don't want it!" The little guy was a little excited, "For me, she is not qualified."

Nalan Jun froze for a moment.

"Junjun, I will only admit you from now on. That woman is not qualified to love me, let alone be with my stinky daddy. So, don't worry, I will always be with you forever."

In this case, Nalan Jun felt very sad.

It never occurred to her that the little guy had developed resentment towards his biological mother.

If the little guy knew that she was the mother who gave birth to him and then disappeared, what would happen to the little guy?
At this moment, she was suddenly a little afraid that the truth would be revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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