The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1972 I'm a little more worried

Chapter 1972 I'm a little more worried

Nalan Jun hugged Leng Zimu very tightly, fearing that Leng Zimu would stay away if he let go.

Until, Leng Zimu in his arms started to make a sound: "Wu Junjun, you hug me so tightly, I can hardly breathe."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun finally came to his senses, so he quickly let go of his strength and said, "I'm sorry, Mu Mu, I'm too anxious."

"Junjun, what are you anxious about?" Leng Zimu looked up at her, very puzzled: "Are you worried that what I just said is to coax you? In fact, don't worry, I, Leng Zimu, have always said And Youxin, Junjun, I swear, I will always have you in my heart in this life.”

Nalan Jun looked at him and swears, his originally sad heart became inexplicably warmer.However, when she thought that the little guy didn't know her true identity, she felt complicated.

Right now, she is clear that the truth is absolutely impossible to tell.

"Mumu, will you really like me forever?"

Leng Zimu nodded: "Of course!"

"So, what if one day you find out that I did something that made you very angry? Would you still do it?" Nalan Jun hadn't finished speaking, but the little guy had already rushed to speak.

The little guy could only hear her interrupting her words hastily: "I won't be angry, Junjun, no matter what you do, I will never!"

Nalan was not sure if the little guy's words would still count in the future, but now that he heard such a guarantee, he felt a little more at ease.

"I believe everything Mu Mu said."

Leng Zimu grinned, and then remembered something: "By the way, Junjun, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Do you like my stinky daddy?"

Nalan didn't expect the little guy to be so obsessed with the answer to this question.After thinking about it, since the little guy wanted to know so much, she simply gave an answer.

She shook her head and said, "I don't like it."

Leng Zimu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became more worried: "Why?"

What if Junjun doesn't like smelly cakes?He also wanted to let Junjun be his mother.

Nalan was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "Your father is strong and domineering, and his words are annoying."

She hasn't forgotten what that man did to her last night.

Just thinking about it, the roots behind her ears are inexplicably hot.

Leng Zimu nodded: "Although it is true, smelly Baba actually has advantages."

Nalan Jun: "What advantages?"

Leng Zimu: "Handsome and rich."

Nalan Jun: "There are many handsome and rich men in this world."

Leng Zimu: "."

At this time, in the company, Leng Qirui was in a meeting, but he felt his nose itchy for no reason, and then he sneezed suddenly.

The high-level people at the meeting were all stunned.

Leng Qirui frowned, and the planner in front of the projector was talking, forgetting how to continue.

Until, at the main seat, Leng Qirui raised his eyes and asked, "Why don't you continue?"

Now, the planner hastened to continue.

On the desktop, the mobile phone vibrate once, indicating that there is a message.That was Leng Qirui's phone.

Leng Qirui swept his gaze, opened the phone with his finger, and looked at the message sent by the little guy.

Leng Zimu: Junjun seems to have a problem with you.

This news made Leng Qirui frown deeply.I saw him picking up his phone and typing.

Leng Qirui: How do you see it?

Leng Zimu: I just asked Junjun.

Leng Qirui: What did you ask her?
Leng Zimu: I asked her if she likes you!

Leng Qirui:?

Leng Zimu: Junjun said that she doesn't like you, because you are strong and domineering, and your words are annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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