The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1975 She immediately denied it

Chapter 1975 She immediately denied it

The atmosphere of the whole kitchen changed instantly.

When Nalan Jun belatedly realized that the person behind him was Leng Qirui, his heart beat extremely fast in an instant.

"What are you doing here?" Also, why are you holding her? This made her very uncomfortable.

Holding the spatula, Leng Qirui turned over the ingredients in the pan, put his head on Nalan Jun's shoulder, and said, "I have a question."

"?" Nalan Jun was a little stiff all over, and said, "If you have any questions, you can let me go."

However, Leng Qirui didn't intend to let go at all, but asked to himself: "When did you learn to cook pasta?"

Nalan was quiet for a few seconds before he said, "Is this question very important?"

"Of course it's not important." Leng Qirui lowered his voice, "It's just that I'm curious."

"I'm sorry, but you don't have any right to know my privacy."

"Could it be that we can't even have this kind of communication?"

"Leng Qirui!" Nalan Jun yelled out his first and last name because of the emotions accumulated in his heart, "Please let me go."

Hearing this, Leng Qirui directly turned off the donkey fire, then tightened his arms, circled the person tightly, and said, "Nalan Jun, let's talk!"

His tone was commanding, not negotiating.

Nalan Jun refused: "There is nothing to talk about." In fact, she already knew what he wanted to talk about, and it was nothing more than the matter of getting back together.

The man's thinking is really strange. After being divorced for so long, even for the sake of the children, there is no need to get back together.

"No!" Leng Qirui said in a strong tone, "We really need to talk!"

Nalan Jun frowned, feeling that this man seemed to be getting more and more unpredictable.

"Okay, let's talk. Let go of me first. It's not good for Mu Mu to see you hugging me like this."

Leng Qirui didn't let go, but said directly: "Mumu has gone back to her room."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun was stunned for a moment, then struggled: "Then you have to let me go, what is this?"

Leng Qirui was silent for a moment: "Don't you see it?"

"I know you want to get back together with me because of Mu Mu, but Leng Qirui, haven't you thought about it? This kind of ruthless reunion will do more harm than good to us, let alone Mu Mu"

Thinking of what the little guy said in the morning, Nalan felt a pain like a needle prick in his heart.The little guy has hatred for his biological mother, but now, she is very worried that the little guy will know the truth.

So far, she has been very happy with the little guy, and she thinks it will be good if it can continue like this.

As long as the little guy likes her and can stay with her forever, that's enough.

"Who says there is no emotion?" Leng Qirui's eyes showed some deep meaning: "Nalan Jun, what you think is just what you think, but it is not the case."

Nalan Jun couldn't understand.Isn't it because of Mu Mu that he got back together with her? How could it be possible?Or did he have feelings for her?
Almost as soon as this thought flashed through her mind, she immediately denied it.

She knew that after the divorce, this man already had a woman like Zhong Ruohan beside him.

Just when she thought of Zhong Ruohan, she didn't expect that at the entrance of the kitchen, a servant suddenly came to report, "Mr. Leng, there is a Miss Zhong looking for you outside."

Hearing the servant's words, both of them were taken aback.

Nalan Jun was the first to react.She suddenly struggled: "Let me go!"

Seeing this complicated scene, the servant could only silently reduce his presence for a while.

Until, Leng Qirui said coldly, "No see!"

(End of this chapter)

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