The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1976 Leaked her inner thoughts

Chapter 1976 Leaked her inner thoughts

After hearing the order, the servant immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, Mr. Leng." After speaking, he turned and ran out.

At the gate of the castle, Zhong Ruohan was leaning against the car, with his arms folded, waiting for the gate to open before entering.

She has never been to this place before.However, she knew that it was a product of Leng Qirui's name.

Tonight, in order to meet Leng Qirui, she deliberately dressed up, even though she came here with the excuse of a cooperation plan.

It has been 5 minutes since the guard went in to report just now, and she didn't expect to get a reply yet.Fortunately, she is very patient.

Not far away, she saw a servant running out to talk to the guard, so she raised her hand and tidied her clothes, after all, she knew that the door would be opened to her soon.

The guard came over and said politely to her, "Sorry, Mr. Leng said no!"

"What?" Zhong Ruohan was stunned, "Are you sure he won't see me tonight?"

"The servant came to inform me just now, saying that Mr. Leng personally ordered it."

Zhong Ruohan's face was a little ugly.She really didn't expect that after she finished her makeup, put on the most beautiful clothes, and drove to the gate of the castle, she couldn't even see Leng Qirui. What's worse, she didn't even have dinner. Did not eat.

Because she was not reconciled, she asked the guard again: "So, why did Leng Qirui not see me tonight?"

"Sorry, I can't tell."

Hearing what the guard said, she could only suppress the question, and then drove away from the castle.

At this time, in the kitchen, Leng Qirui's mind flashed what Zhang Bo had said about Nalan Jun and mistakenly thought that he was with Zhong Ruohan.

So, he tightened his strength so that the struggling woman in his arms could not break free, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Nalan Jun: "Your Miss Zhong has come to look for you, why don't you let go?"

"I smell sour." Leng Qirui said with interest: "Are you jealous?"

Nalan Jun paused, and then responded coldly: "I'm not jealous, how you and that Miss Zhong are doing, it has nothing to do with me, but I hope you can respect yourself, I don't want to be misunderstood as a third party !"

"Oh?" Leng Qirui's eyebrows were tinged with joy, "But I think what you care about is not being misunderstood as a third party."

Nalan Jun: "No matter what you think, please let me go now."

Leng Qirui: "It's hard to admit it? Nalan Jun, you actually have a little bit of mind in your heart that I'm with other women."

Nalan Jun: "Think too much, I don't."

Leng Qirui: "You answered so quickly."

Nalanjun: "."

At this point in the conversation, if Leng Qirui continues to talk, I'm afraid it will create some inexplicable contradictions.

Therefore, he ended the question in a timely manner, but explained clearly directly.

"I have nothing to do with Zhong Ruohan."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun raised his eyebrows, apparently in disbelief.

Leng Qirui: "I only have cooperation with her, other than that, there is not much interaction. Of course, after this time, there will be no cooperation between me and her in the future."

"What do you mean?" Nalan Jun subconsciously asked, but soon felt annoyed.This question revealed her inner thoughts.

"It means that I can no longer cooperate with her for you." Leng Qirui explained seriously.

In fact, he knew what Zhong Ruohan was thinking.

After staying by his side for so many years, Zhong Ruohan just wanted to have more contact with him through cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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