Leng Qirui instructed the servant, "Let me know, I won't see her in the future!"

Hearing this, the servant immediately nodded respectfully and said yes.

Soon the maid left.

In the kitchen, Leng Qirui and Nalanjun were left.

Obviously, Leng Qirui didn't plan to let Nalanjun go.

And Nalan Jun has already become impatient: "Can you let me go?" If this kind of posture is seen by other people later, will she still stay in the castle?

Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, with interest in his eyes: "What's for breakfast?"

"??" Nalan Jun was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard it wrong, but then he reacted again and knew that the man was deliberately trying to divert the topic.

After thinking about it, she patiently said, "Didn't you hear me say let go?"

Leng Qirui nodded: "Well, I heard it."

"Then you still don't let go?"

"I don't want to let go." Leng Qirui's eyes were a little deep: "Nalan Jun, I will not let go again in this life."

Nalan Jun's body paused slightly, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason, just because the man said this life!

Outside the castle gate.

After the servant was instructed, he ran out and talked to the guard.

Immediately after, the guard conveyed the words to Zhong Ruohan, who was always waiting outside the door.

And when Zhong Ruohan found out that he was rejected by Leng Qirui, he couldn't believe it.

She thinks there must be some reason for this.

In order to be able to see Leng Qirui in the morning, she put on a delicate makeup, and also put on the latest clothes of Grandma Xiang, and sprayed perfume.

All these preparations are just to be able to present Leng Qirui in his best state.

However, Leng Qirui didn't want to see her.

why? !

She is not reconciled!

She was rejected twice in a row. Her purpose in coming to S country this time was just to meet Leng Qirui.

If she can't see it all the time, isn't it a waste of time for her to come here? !

Maybe she wanted to find out the real reason why Leng Qirui didn't want to see her, so she planned to stay here and find out.

After thinking about it, she thanked the guard first, then opened the door, got in the car, and started the engine.

She pretended to leave, so she drove away, turned again at the sub-intersection, and drove back.

This time, she did not drive the car to the gate of the castle, but parked under a big tree.

Through the car window, this angle can clearly see everything at the gate of the castle.

She is here to wait for Leng Qirui to appear!
At this time, in the castle kitchen, Nalan Jun had no idea why Leng Qirui suddenly mentioned this life.

What does he mean?
Could it be that he really wants to get back with her, the kind that will never be separated?
But what was it that suddenly changed his mind?Before coming to the castle, if I remember correctly, he had always been indifferent to her, but these days, he has been uncharacteristically, constantly disturbing her heart, and even threatened to chase her?

Does he have a fever?Or what?
"Have you caught a cold?" Nalan Jun asked.

Leng Qirui: "No."

"Then why are you talking nonsense?" Nalanjun always felt something was wrong.

In an instant, Leng Qirui's face turned black.

From just now until now, every sentence he said was the truth, but in the ears of this woman, it was nonsense?
very good!

He'll let her know if he's talking nonsense!

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