Chapter 1983 Really tangled!
If Nalan Jun knew that she would be severely punished by a man for saying the wrong thing, then she promised that she would definitely keep her mouth shut.

However, if it could only be if, when she found that the man held her shoulders with both hands and turned her body in one direction, forcing her to face the man, she realized that it was not good.

However, even when she realized that something was wrong, it was too late, just because the man's thin lips had already fallen forcefully.

Fiery, siege land.
The domineering behavior of the man made it impossible for her to escape.

In the end, she could only be forced to accept it!

Outside the glass window, the cold winter sun pierced through the clouds and finally hit the indoor floor.

After Leng Zimu got up, he realized that Nalan was not there, so he went downstairs to look for it.

When he found the kitchen all the way, when he walked to the entrance and found that there were two figures inside, and they were doing the scene that was only staged on the TV series, the whole person was stunned!

Things like kissing, he had never seen anything but on TV.

Now, when he found out that Smelly Baba Zheng and Junjun were also doing this kind of intimate behavior, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

The little guy's face was a little red, he quickly raised his hand to cover his eyes, then turned around, and then ran away.

After running all the way outside the garden, he stopped.

Just standing in the morning light, what flashed in his mind was the image of the kitchen just now.

So, stinky baba has already caught up with Junjun?
It seems that it is not far from the time when he calls Junjun to do Ma Ma.

Thinking of this, he felt a little happy.

But, Smelly Baba kissed Junjun, and he felt uncomfortable again.

He likes Junjun, but stinky Baba actually enjoys Junjun's kisses, so he feels that he is no longer the only and most important person in Junjun's mind.

Things like kissing, only the closest people can have, and he always hoped that he could only enjoy the kisses of Junjun. Now there are more stinky baba to grab Junjun, and he is a little resistant.

If Smelly Baba is not with Junjun, he can't call Junjun to be mama.

So confused!
The little guy held his face and squatted on the ground, his head fell into deep thought!

Passing servants mistakenly thought he was looking at ants, so they didn't dare to disturb him.

I thought about it for a long time, until the sun warmed the earth.

In the kitchen, the atmosphere is somewhat ambiguous.

Nalanjun's entire face was red.She couldn't look at the man in front of her at all. In fact, her heart was beating too fast, and her head couldn't even think.

This man actually kissed her!

"Nalanjun, remember, I didn't catch a cold, and I didn't drink alcohol. My head is sober at the moment." Leng Qirui's fiery eyes stared at her, and the originally handsome face became a bit wanton: "I to be with you!"

Hearing this, Nalan Jun only felt that it was very unreal.

There were too many doubts, but she didn't ask, because she knew that once she asked, what the consequences would be, she knew very well.

This man has already reached the urge to kiss her if he disagrees!
Perhaps because of the man's aggressive behavior and domineering oath, she was restless all morning, and she couldn't work seriously at all, let alone accompany the little guy!

After this kiss, fortunately, the man did not imprison her anymore, but let go and gave her room to work.

She hurriedly prepared breakfast for the little guy.

When the little guy appeared in the restaurant, she realized that it was already eight o'clock.

This breakfast took nearly an hour to prepare!

(End of this chapter)

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