The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1992 The clear mint fragrance

Chapter 1992 The clear mint fragrance

In the castle, Nalan didn't expect that after being restrained by a man, he wouldn't dare to move.

Soon, she was thinking wildly, her eyelids sank, and she fell asleep again.

She probably slept until the afternoon before she woke up again, and the side of the big bed was obviously empty, which could only mean that the man got up.

And in fact it was, because she heard the sound of running water from the bathroom.

Needless to say, she could already guess that it was a man taking a shower.

So, she quickly took advantage of this moment to uncover the quilt and get up, then took the clothes and changed.

Because of the mess last night, all her clothes were thrown on the floor.She could only pick up the clothes one by one and put them on.

She didn't plan to leave until she finished dressing, but she didn't expect the bathroom door to be opened at this time.

I saw the man just finished taking a bath, wearing a black bathrobe, his handsome face became even more charming after being soaked in warm water.

Nalan Jun just glanced at it, but a touch of red appeared on the base of his ear.The images of last night came to her mind.

Although the two had had skin-to-skin contact, after all, they had been separated for so many years, which made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Of course, she also made a deep reflection on her out-of-control behavior last night.No matter what, she felt that what happened last night was inappropriate, but unfortunately, when something happened, it happened.

She could only set up a vigilance in her heart to prevent similar situations from happening again.Anyway, next time if a man comes back after drinking, she will try to stay away from him.

Right now, seeing the man coming out of the bathroom, she didn't even say hello, but turned her head and planned to escape.

However, she just stepped up to the door, and just when she raised her hand to hold the doorknob, she didn't expect the sound of footsteps coming from behind, followed by a body clinging to her from behind, and at the same time a slender Hands passed in front of her and held the door so that she couldn't open it.

"Do you want to leave after sleeping?" The man's magnetic and pleasant voice sounded from beside his ear.

Nalan Jun paused, his eyes flickered a few times, and his heart beat inexplicably faster.The man probably had a nice smell of shower gel just after taking a shower. It was a clear mint scent, which smelled very good.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" In this ambiguous atmosphere, Nalan Jun tried his best to control his heartbeat.

Leng Qirui's tall body covered Nalan Jun, and snorted softly: "I'm talking nonsense? Who grabbed my shoulder last night and kept it going?"

With a bang, Nalan Jun's entire face turned red.

What happened last night was really hard to describe!
For a moment, she was too embarrassed to speak.

However, compared to her thin skin, the man seemed very shameless.

"Why? Don't you dare to speak anymore?" The man raised his eyebrows, and his good-looking face became a little playful: "You were not like this last night."

Nalan Jun: ".I forgot about what happened last night."

Hearing this, the man narrowed his eyes: "Forgot?"

"Yes, my mind is not working well recently, I can't remember anything from last night." Nalan Jun opened his eyes and said nonsense.

The man said coldly: "It's okay, since we can't remember it, let's review it carefully." After finishing speaking, the man's hands were about to start to behave irregularly.

Nalan Jun's eyes widened, and he stopped immediately: "Wait a minute, don't revisit it, I remember it!"

"Oh? Remember?" The man's hands were not presumptuous, but his voice was teasing, and he asked, "What is it like? Tell me."

Nalanjun: "."

(End of this chapter)

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