The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1993 The whole person is bad

Chapter 1993 The whole person is bad

If it is said that the man has changed a lot in the past few years of separation, then at this moment Nalan Jun has a new understanding, that is, in some aspects of the man, there is really no change at all.

Like, everything about last night.

Being pressed by a man like this, how could Nalan Jun really speak out.But fortunately, the man just had a bad taste for a while.

Since he hadn't eaten since morning, Nalan Jun was already starving.Just at this time, her stomach made a protest sound, and this sound just fell into the man's ear.

The man frowned slightly, glanced at her stomach, then let go of her, and said, "I'll change my clothes before going downstairs."

Nalanjun: "."

Strange to say, when the man let go of her and turned to go to the cloakroom to change clothes, she unexpectedly stood there obediently waiting for the man to come out.

Not long after, the door of the cloakroom was pushed open, and a man appeared.

I saw the man changed into casual clothes, a white top and black pants, very simple clothes, but when worn on a man, it added extravagance.

This probably has something to do with the man's natural aura.

Nalan Jun silently admired the man's appearance and figure, and then raised his hand to hold the doorknob to open the door.

Leaving from the bedroom, going downstairs along the corridor and stairs, soon Nalan came to the hall.

In the hall, I saw a small body sitting on a soft sofa.

I saw Leng Zimu sitting cross-legged alone, exuding air-conditioning all over his body.

The servants were all gone.

The moment Nalan Jun saw Leng Zimu, he remembered that he had overslept this morning and forgot to make breakfast. Not only that, he even forgot lunch.


If it wasn't for the absurd things she did last night, how could she wake up until this point today? After all, she would have to blame a certain man around her.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the man complainingly.

Leng Qirui, who was suddenly complained: "."

Soon, Nalan Jun quickened his pace, walked to the sofa, and immediately hugged Leng Zimu with both hands: "Mu Mu, I'm sorry, I overslept and forgot to cook for you."

Leng Zimu was still in anger and sadness.In his opinion, maybe he will never see Nalan Jun again in the future, but unexpectedly, a gentle embrace suddenly came towards him.

In an instant, his eyes lit up.

"Junjun?!" He raised his head, looked seriously at the person in front of him, and then his eyes became brighter: "Great, it's really you!"

How could Nalan Jun know that it was only a morning, and the little guy was thinking about something in his head.At this moment, she was just blaming herself for her negligence towards the little guy.

"Have you eaten yet?" She let go of the little guy, and asked patiently and gently: "Are you hungry? Whatever you want to eat, I will make it for you."

Leng Zimu shook his head: "I'm not hungry, I"


At this moment, Nalan Jun's stomach made a sound.

Leng Zimu shifted his gaze to Nalan Jun's stomach and asked, "Junjun, have you eaten yet?"

Hearing this, Nalan was a little embarrassed, so he nodded: "Well, not yet."

Leng Zimu frowned: "Then go and eat quickly."

Nalan Jun thought for a while, and then asked, "Mumu, have you eaten yet?"

"I do not have."

"What about the morning?"


Hearing this, Nalan Jun was in a bad mood: "I'm sorry, Mu Mu, I'm going to cook for you now, by the way, how about cooking noodles?"

"it is good."

Just like that, Nalan took Leng Zimu to the kitchen to cook noodles together, ignoring Leng Qirui the whole time.

Leng Qirui: "."

(End of this chapter)

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