Chapter 1994 Complicated for a while
In the kitchen, Nalan spent the fastest time cooking a pot of noodles.

When the fragrance spread around, even Leng Qirui couldn't help his appetite.

In fact, he hasn't eaten since morning.In addition, he also went through some physical exercise last night, so he would naturally feel hungry.

Although Leng Zimu didn't eat in the morning, but fortunately he drank a glass of milk.Of course, the milk is only because the little guy is thirsty, so he runs to the kitchen to pour milk.

Since he couldn't get to Nalanjun after getting up in the morning, the little guy was full of too many emotions, and he didn't even think about eating, so he was naturally hungry.

Now, seeing the pot of noodles that was only full, the little guy couldn't help swallowing, anxiously wanting to take a bite.

Nalan Jun was actually starving too.For her, it doesn't matter if she is hungry, but she must not starve the little one.No matter what, the little guy is the most important thing to her.

So just like that, she quickly took the chopsticks and bowl, and filled a bowl full of noodles.

The freshly cooked noodles were naturally a little hot, so she left the kitchen with the filled noodles.

Behind him, the little guy followed along.

During the whole process, Leng Qirui was completely treated as a transparent person!
Leng Qirui: "!!!"

Soon, Nalan Jun left the kitchen and came to the dining room.She put the bowl of noodles on the table, pulled the chair away, and said, "Mumu, you're starving. Sit down and eat."

Leng Zimu nodded obediently, then climbed onto the chair.I saw his small body, sitting very upright, his fleshy little hands stretched out on the table, and he couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks.

I have to say, the little guy is really hungry.

If Nalan Jun hadn't appeared, I'm afraid he would continue to starve himself.

The servants in the castle are naturally aware of Leng Zimu's temper.No one dared to approach this young master, so don't mention coaxing the little guy to eat.

Seeing the little guy anxiously wanting to eat noodles, Nalan Jun suddenly felt a deep sense of self-blame.

Not to mention what absurd things she did last night, but she overslept this morning and completely forgot about the little guy. Just this made her feel wrong.

She came to Leng's house just to be able to take care of the little guy and to be with him, but now, she seems to have forgotten her original purpose of coming here.

During the time spent in the castle, she has completely delayed what she should do. It's like, she should have paid more attention to the little guy, but she always couldn't concentrate in her mind Her strength, her mind was gradually occupied by a certain man.

The reason, she thinks, is probably because she has been with a certain man for too long recently, and another point is that the relationship between her and men has changed.

The previous night, the man drank alcohol and did something irrational to her, but last night, the man directly treated her
Thinking of this, she felt very complicated for a moment, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Junjun, what's wrong?" Suddenly, a soft voice sounded.

Nalan Jun reacted, only to realize that the little guy was looking at her with a pair of big eyes with some doubts and concerns.Suddenly, her heart softened, and she immediately said, "It's nothing."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she didn't expect that the back of her hand was covered by a small soft hand, and then she heard the little guy say very intimately: "If you have something unhappy, you can tell me , I will definitely help you share."

Such considerate and caring care immediately made her feel happy.She stretched out her arms to hug the little guy, and raised her lips in response: "Thank you Mumu, Junjun is very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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