Chapter 2012 Immortal

Of course Lou Jianian didn't believe what Shen Qinghuan said.

If you read it correctly, in the script, Fairy Zixia only appears a few times in total. In other words, what she needs to shoot is probably only one or two scenes. Become a character that the audience will never forget?
To be honest, she thought it was bullshit!
Of course, this also stemmed from her lack of understanding of the entertainment industry, so she could not predict it. In fact, what Shen Qinghuan said was the truth.

As a well-known director in the circle, Shen Qinghuan has a very vicious vision for actors.After Lou Jianian played the role of Fairy Zixia, she really became popular.Of course, that's another story.

Since Lou Jianian came early, Shen Qinghuan carefully educated Lou Jianian on some points that should be paid attention to about the role of Fairy Zixia.

But in fact, in Shen Qinghuan's view, Lou Jianian's image is completely in line with the role of Zixia Fairy, it can be said that he played in his true colors.

In his opinion, as long as Lou Jianian agrees to play the role of Fairy Zixia, it is enough, and there is no need to make any other preparations at all.

It was rare to be able to find such a suitable character for the role of Zixia Fairy in such a timely manner, and he was very happy.

Having said that, he still has to thank Rao Shixin.If Rao Shixin hadn't recommended Lou Jianian to him, otherwise he would still have to worry about not being able to find an actor for the role of Fairy Zixia.

After popularizing the details about the characters, Shen Qinghuan found that Lou Jianian had memorized them in his mind very seriously, and he really used them when he was acting, such as some small details between actions. .

Since today's scene requires Fairy Zixia to fly down from the mountainside, so props, scenery, hanging wires and so on are needed.

In the dressing room, during the process of putting on makeup, Lou Jianian was praised many times by the makeup artist for her good skin and good foundation.

Of course, Lou Jianian also politely thanked the makeup artist for her compliments.

After putting on her makeup, she turned around and went to the dressing room to change.

When he came out again, he saw her wearing purple clothes, with a fairy air.

When Shen Qinghuan saw her coming out in purple clothes, her eyes lit up instantly.

Fairy Zixia!

Almost impatient, he couldn't help getting all the staff ready, and then started shooting.

Knowing that it was time to start, Lou Jianian quickly went through the lines in his mind.

Fortunately, she only needs to memorize the lines, and the one acting opposite her is just a small extra, so there is no pressure on her.If she had to face a celebrity-level actor, she would probably get nervous instead, since it was her first time filming.

Soon, Shen Qinghuan shouted to be in place.

Lou Jianian stepped up the steps to a high place, followed by a staff member who was about to start hanging the steel wire.After a while, she will hang the steel wire from this high place and perform flying.

In fact, she felt that the steel wire could not be used at all, but she couldn't explain it clearly to the staff.

Below, Shen Qinghuan shouted: "Get ready, 321, start!"

As soon as Lou Jianian heard this, she quickly made a move, and the photographer had already pointed the camera at her.

So, she stretched out her arms, tapped her feet lightly, and flew down from the height lightly.

She thought there was a steel wire hanging behind her, but she didn't know that the steel wire had already fallen off.

The photographer perfectly captured the angle of her flying down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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