The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2013 Extremely soft and beautiful

Chapter 2013 Extremely soft and beautiful
Shen Qinghuan's eyes straightened.

So beautiful!
In the script, the scene of Fairy Zixia flying into the sky was edited and written so beautifully. He was worried that he would not be able to shoot this scene perfectly. Unexpectedly, Lou Jianian's posture and movements of flying into the sky were well interpreted. What is called restoring the script.

He doesn't even know how to praise her beauty!
He decided that he must persuade Lou Jianian to enter the showbiz in the future.

In the next TV series, he will invite Lou Jianian to also star in it.

Having been a director for so many years, he has never seen an actor who can satisfy him so much!

After Lou Jianian flew down from the sky, her feet landed on the ground, her gauze skirt was flying, extremely soft and beautiful.

This is the first scene where Fairy Zixia appears in the play.

Shen Qinghuan clicked his tongue twice, and suddenly called to stop!
In fact, there is no rush at all about the lines.

Lou Jianian originally planned to read his lines, and the young actors who had already dressed up were also ready.According to the script, the little actor is about to go forward to have a conversation with Lou Jianian.

As a result, Shen Qinghuan yelled to stop at such a time.

Lou Jianian, including the young actors and all the staff, were all dumbfounded.

"The acting is great!" Shen Qinghuan was so excited that he couldn't help clapping his hands.

This time, he didn't realize that he would lose control.

As a director, it is his professional quality to maintain his sanity at all times, but the flying scene of Lou Jianian just now was so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to applaud.

Lou Jianian didn't expect Shen Qinghuan to stop suddenly, just to applaud?

Originally, she planned to continue acting, but after being interrupted like this, she couldn't find the feeling just now.

Fortunately, the lines have already been memorized in her mind.

High above, the behind-the-scenes staff who hang the steel wire are full of surprises!

If he read correctly, the steel wire broke just now?
However, the actor who played Fairy Zixia was able to fly down from this high place smoothly?

This is so weird!
At this moment, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Lou Jianian found that after Shen Qinghuan yelled to stop, it seemed a bit difficult to enter the role again.Originally, she was already prepared.

However, Shen Qinghuan was very accommodating to her.

Knowing that she couldn't find the feeling of Fairy Zixia after being interrupted, she greatly relaxed her mood, and then came back to act tomorrow.

So just like that, Lou Jianian left the crew after only acting for a few seconds.

The company still has things to do.

Of course, before leaving, a well-known actor happened to come to the crew. It is said that Shen Qinghuan invited him from Languo, and this actor's name was Ming Shina.

Ming Shina, the queen of Chinese actresses, was very famous in her early years. Later, she moved to Languo and got married, and then disappeared. It was not until the past two years that there was some news.

Lou Jianian knew about this actor, after all, he had watched many TV dramas that Se Na acted in when he was a child.

Min Se Na is 45 years old this year and still looks beautiful.

When she was a child, Lou Jianian liked her very much, but she never expected to see her in person today.

When Ming Se Na appeared, Shen Qinghuan, the assistant director, and all the staff present put down their work and hurriedly surrounded her.

You know, Ming Shina was an actress who was popular all over China back then, but she suddenly disappeared at the peak of her career, and until she reappeared now, everyone naturally wanted to see the beauty of the actress.

(End of this chapter)

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