The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 803 I Feel Like I Don’t Exist

Chapter 803 I Feel Like I Don’t Exist
"No need." Chen Yuhui shook her head, "I'll just drink some tea."

Rao Yanzhong nodded, "That's fine, then go sit down and bring the food up in one go, you're tired."

"I haven't gone out for a long time, so let's treat it as a sport. By the way, how many of them are there?" Chen Yuhui glanced at the people in the living room, and then said, "Did you tell them?"

Rao Yanzhong raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, his ears were a little hot, "I haven't told them yet."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui was helpless, "Then you take the dishes to the kitchen, and I'll tell them."

"But this"

"Go quickly."


So, Rao Yanzhong carried the vegetable basket and went to the kitchen with a blushing face.

Rao Shichen: "."

Lou Jianian: "."

Rao Shixin: "."

The whole living room fell into a strange atmosphere for a while.

Chen Yuhui stepped up and walked to the coffee table, with a smile on her face, "What are you doing in a daze?"

After her words fell, the three people present finally responded.

Lou Jianian spoke first, and said, "Grandma, you're not in the apartment, are you going shopping?"

"Well, I just went to the supermarket to buy some groceries, and I was bored at home all day, so it was boring." While speaking, Chen Yuhui picked up the tea that was already at the right temperature on the table, and then took a sip.

Lou Jianian, Rao Shichen and the others watched Chen Yuhui sipping tea slowly, and suddenly understood.

It turned out that these two cups of tea were brewed so that someone could just drink them when they came back.

After Chen Yuhui took a sip of tea, she gracefully took out a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth gently.

"Hi, grandma, do you remember me?" A soft and sweet voice came from Rao Shixin.

Chen Yuhui's eyes were tinged with light, "Shi Xin, of course I remember you, you are a beautiful person."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin's face was stained with a sweet smile, "Thank you grandma for your compliment."

"You kid, you have a pretty face and a charming smile. Grandma likes to see pretty kids."

A flower bloomed in Rao Shixin's heart, a little arrogant, "Hey, grandma, to be honest, I actually like kind and kind old people, such as you."

As she said that, she stepped forward, reached out and took the old man's hand, and said coquettishly: "I feel that calling your grandma is very kind."

Chen Yuhui was amused, "You are such a cute child, grandma likes you so much."

On the side, Rao Shichen frowned slightly, feeling as if he had no sense of existence.

He coughed lightly, and then said politely: "Grandma, long time no see, I'm too busy with work, I haven't come to see you, I hope you don't mind."

Chen Yuhui looked kindly, "Shichen, I don't care about this. You young people have a young life. Anyway, my old woman will have fun by herself, so you don't need to come and see me."

"Since grandma is Nian Nian's grandma, she is also my grandma. It's what we should do to come and see you."

Rao Shichen showed the courtesy, humility, and care that a junior should have for an elder.

"You are too sensible a child. I am really relieved to leave Niannian to you. As long as you take good care of Niannian, that's enough."

When Rao Shichen heard this, he put his slender arms around Lou Jianian's slender waist, "I don't need grandma to tell me this, I will definitely do it."

Chen Yuhui's eyes lit up, and she smiled.

Lou Jianian felt the warmth from the man's palm around his waist, and when he heard the man's words, warmth flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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