The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 804 Only Rao Shixin Was Unexpected

Chapter 804 Only Rao Shixin Was Unexpected

Soon, something came to her mind, she rolled her eyes, and asked, "By the way, grandma, didn't you just say you had something to tell us?"

"Yes, grandma, what's the matter?" Rao Shixin was also curious, "Grandpa called us specially to come over. Could it be a big deal?"

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, calm and composed.In fact, he already had a guess in his mind.

Of course, Lou Jianian also had the answer, but he couldn't be 100% sure.

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui looked a little unnatural.

In the next second, she stroked the rim of the teacup with her fingertips, and then slowly said: "Actually, I asked you to come here today to tell you that your grandfather and I have decided to be together."

Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian glanced at each other.

Four words flashed in the eyes of both of them—as expected.

Of the people present, only Rao Shixin was unexpected.

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

At this moment, Rao Yanzhong, who had been in the kitchen all the time, finally walked out bravely after putting down the vegetable basket.

In fact, the distance from the living room to the kitchen was not far, so Rao Yanzhong had already heard what Chen Yuhui said.

When he walked out with his hands behind his back, he seemed calm and calm, but in fact, the back of his ears was hot.

"Cough" He came to Chen Yuhui's side, staring at Rao Shixin's hand holding Chen Yuhui's.

Rao Shixin let go silently, and quickly got out of the way very sensible.

Without Rao Shixin to occupy the seat, Rao Yanzhong naturally held Chen Yuhui's hand.

interlocking fingers.

Chen Yuhui didn't refuse either, she raised her gaze and glanced at Rao Yanzhong, "Why are you out now?"

"I can't let you face it alone. Next, let me talk about it." Rao Yanzhong's eyes were firm.

Chen Yuhui narrowed her eyes, "Then tell me."

So, Rao Yanzhong looked at the three people standing in front of him, "Whether you accept it or not, anyway, your grandma and I plan to be together. From now on, we will spend the rest of our days together until the end of our lives." the end of."

Lou Jianian stepped forward, "Grandpa, I support you being together."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong was a little surprised, "Nian Nian, do you really support us?"

In fact, Rao Yanzhong was a little worried that Lou Jianian would disagree, after all Chen Yuhui was Lou Jianian's grandmother.

Lou Jianian nodded with a smile, "Love has no age or time, since you have decided to be together, of course I support it!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand to hold Chen Yuhui's hand, feeling very happy in her heart, "Grandma, congratulations, I don't have to worry about having no one by your side anymore."

A smile bloomed on Chen Yuhui's face.

At this moment, Rao Shichen also stepped forward, "Grandpa, grandma, bless you."

Seeing this, Rao Shixin immediately came up to him, "Hey, grandpa, grandma, I also wish you happiness forever, and grandpa, you are now a man with a wife, so don't be cruel to me again. gone."

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? When did I kill you?" Rao Yanzhong was very dissatisfied.

"You are blowing your beard and staring at me now, so you are attacking me, grandma, look, grandpa is attacking me." Rao Shixin complained to Chen Yuhui aggrievedly.

Chen Yuhui raised her hand and touched Rao Shixin's head, then comforted him: "It's okay, grandma will teach him a lesson."

As she said that, she glanced at Rao Yanzhong who was beside her, "The children finally came here, so don't do this."

Rao Yanzhong: "."

(End of this chapter)

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