The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 810 lasted nearly 5 minutes

Chapter 810 lasted nearly 5 minutes
Hearing this, Lou Jianian hesitated, "Shi Xin is still waiting for us outside."

"Leave her alone." Rao Shichen urged, "Hurry up."

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, a little embarrassed.

However, she knew that if she didn't follow suit, the man would definitely not want to get off the car.

After much deliberation, she decided to satisfy the man.

However, before she was satisfied, she first asked some doubts in her heart, "Tell me first, when did you know that I played the piano in the bar?"

Rao Shichen couldn't wait any longer, held her face in his palm, and replied, "It will be a few days after we get the certificate."

"!" Lou Jianian was surprised, "So you"

"Stop asking, do something practical." Rao Shichen simply blocked her lips.

A French kiss, which lasted for nearly 5 minutes.

Rao Shixin's lazy and sexy body leaned against the car, staring at the passing of time.

Finally, the Volvo door was opened.

Inside the car, the man's slender body stepped out of the car door, with a dignified and elegant demeanor.He walked around to the co-pilot's car, opened the door, then leaned forward, with his palms deep in the car, and pulled Lou Jianian who was on the seat to get out of the car.

After Lou Jianian stepped out of the car door, the corners of his eyes were stained with crimson, and his lips were moist and shiny.

"Brother, little sister-in-law, why are you getting out of the car now, me..." Rao Shixin stepped forward, swept his eyes while speaking, and suddenly found something abnormal.

Huh?Why does my sister-in-law's lips look a little swollen?

After all, she is someone who has experienced it, and she immediately understood what she thought, so she looked at her elegant (bird. beast) brother.

Rao Shichen's eyes shot at Rao Shixin.

For this reason, Rao Shixin had no choice but to look away silently.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, withdrew his gaze, held Lou Jianian's hand with his palm, and said in a pleasant voice, "Let's go in."

"En." Lou Jianian responded lightly.

The two stepped into the bar. Behind them, Rao Shixin pouted, and while following up, stared at her brother's back with disdain.

Regal Bar, this is a place in the consumption field that has been well-known among some middle- and high-level social figures recently, and it has even gradually entered the field of vision of big stars.

It is said that the environment inside is elegant and comfortable, accompanied by music, and a scientific pressure relief arrangement is adopted, so that people can easily relax once they enter the inside.

Rao Shixin had heard of the famous Regal Bar in Los Angeles before.

Because she had been busy before, she didn't have time to see the real appearance of the bar. It wasn't until she saw it with her own eyes today that she realized that the bar was really as rumored and gave people a comfortable feeling.

From the moment she stepped into the bar, she heard beautiful piano music, and the lighting used warm yellow and colorful tones, which made people feel relieved.

There were many customers in the bar, but there was no noise at all.Bartenders and service staff perform their duties, and in this elegant atmosphere, a sense of tranquility is added.

From the moment Rao Shixin entered the bar, he fell in love with this bar inexplicably.

Of course, if she knew that she would see someone after entering this bar, she would definitely regret her coming.

Rao Shichen's tall and slender figure is elegant and dignified, while Lou Jianian's petite and soft figure is beside him, beautiful and eye-catching.

The two appeared at the same time, and then they were greeted by the gazes of some guests at the entrance of the bar.

Out of politeness, the guests didn't keep their eyes on the two of them, so they didn't notice the big star Rao Shixin behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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