The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 811 Is The Boss Falling In Love?

Chapter 811 Is The Boss Falling In Love?

Those who can come here are basically famous people, and they are not vulgar people, so they are quite qualified.

At this time, Gao Kai, who was at the bar, heard the sound of a bell at the entrance, and then subconsciously raised his eyes.

Then, he saw the person coming in.


Wait, who is that man with the boss?

Gao Kai has never seen Lou Jianian go to a bar with any man holding hands, and when he suddenly saw the extra man beside Lou Jianian, he couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart!
Is the boss in love?

However, why does this man look familiar?
Gao Kai rolled his eyes slightly, and then hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

I saw him coming in front of Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian.

It wasn't until he got closer that Gao Kai realized that there was a woman behind Lou Jianian.

Moreover, when he took a closer look, that girl turned out to be Rao Shixin!

His eyes lit up!
Of course, he is the manager of the bar after all, and it's not like there were no big stars here before, so when he found Rao Shixin, he was surprised for a short time, and soon calmed down again.

I saw a polite smile on his face, "Welcome three."

At this time, Rao Shichen raised his brows slightly, and his eyes swept towards Lou Jianian with deep meaning.

At this time, Lou Jianian coughed uncomfortably, "Gao Kai, you don't need to greet us, you can go and do your work."

"!" Gao Kai was a little confused.

The boss actually called out his name directly in front of others, this
So this man is really the boss' boyfriend?

Gao Kai thought about it quickly, and then said: "Okay, then I will go to do other things first." After speaking, he also left.

Rao Shixin was a little curious.She leaned over and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you know this person very well?"

Because she was too anxious to go out, Rao Shixin forgot to take her sunglasses or mask, so in order not to be recognized by others, she deliberately hid behind Lou Jianian, using Lou Jianian's figure to cover herself.

After hearing Rao Shixin's words, Lou Jianian's eyes flickered, and then he responded: "Well, I know him."

"I can even call out their names." Rao Shichen said in a cool tone, "It seems that we have known each other for a long time."

Lou Jianian knew that Rao Shichen was still concerned about her concealing the identity of the owner behind the bar, so he spoke so eccentrically.

In this regard, she can only be silent.

Rao Shixin was a little confused.From her brother's sour and cool tone, she heard a hint of jealousy?
As simple as her, she only thought that her brother was jealous, so she couldn't help complaining a few words in her heart!
Didn't the little sister-in-law just know other men, as for that?

At this time, there was a buzz, and the phone vibrated.

Rao Shichen took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, saw it was a WeChat message, and immediately clicked on it.

Gu Ze: It's been 25 minutes and you haven't arrived yet?Fall into the latrine?
After reading the message, Rao Shichen typed a reply.

At this time, in the private room, Gu Ze received a reply from the other party suddenly.

Rao Shichen: I brought my wife over here, so it's late.

After the message was sent, he put away his mobile phone, held the girl beside him with his palm, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet them."

Lou Jia nodded, "Okay."

Then, she took a step with her calf and followed the man to the corridor.

Behind him, Rao Shixin hurriedly followed.She just vaguely heard her brother say that she would bring her sister-in-law to meet them?

Who are they?

"Brother, who do you want my little sister-in-law to meet? Also, have you booked a private room in advance?" Rao Shixin felt a little confused, so he asked a few more words.

(End of this chapter)

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