The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 812 Brother, this wave of operation is simply amazing!

Chapter 812 Brother's operation is simply amazing!

Rao Shichen responded lightly, "I'll know if I go in later, what are you asking so many for?"

As he spoke, his eyes lit up with a gleam.

Hearing this, Rao Shixin pouted.

However, she didn't know that what she was walking towards was actually a den full of ferocious beasts, and there was someone she least wanted to see inside.

In the private room, after seeing the message from Rao Shichen, Gu Ze's eyes widened in disbelief.

Rao Laogou brought his Popeye?
Gu Ze subconsciously touched the tooth that had just been filled last time with the tip of his tongue.

He didn't forget that after being beaten by that girl last time, his teeth fell out.

Don't say it, that girl is really scary!

He thought, it would be better to stay away from the girl from Rao Laogou's house later, for the sake of safety!
Outside the corridor, Rao Shichen and others had already reached the door of the private room.

Rao Shichen raised his hand to hold the doorknob, twisted it slightly, and then opened the door.

As the door opened, the gorgeous lights in the private room were reflected in the eyes.

He glanced around quickly, and soon landed on the cold man sitting in the corner who was silently tasting wine.

In the next second, some kind of calculation flashed across his long and narrow eyes.

Then, he turned slightly sideways, led the girl beside him into the private room.

After Lou Jianian entered the private room, she looked around suspiciously.When her gaze caught sight of Gu Ze, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she found that there was another person sitting in the corner, which was Liang Feimo.

Immediately, she understood the reason why Rao Shichen agreed to bring Rao Shixin over.

Behind him, Rao Shixin also followed excitedly.

From the moment Rao Shixin walked into the private room, Rao Shichen closed the door casually, and then blocked the door with his body.

There was a light of watching a show in his eyes.

Rao Shixin's eyes were dyed with light.

For her, private rooms are the best, because in this way she can drink unscrupulously without being afraid of being recognized.

Brother, this wave of operations is simply amazing!

After scanning her eyes, she found that the table was covered with an assortment of wine, and then a man was sitting on the sofa.

The man's unruly face and flirtatious attire were full of sluttyness. That was Gu Ze, she knew him, and there was also a man sitting in the corner of the sofa.

The man was wearing a black suit, his whole body was icy cold, his face was paralyzed, and he was drinking wine in his hand.

Rao Shixin paused when he saw the man in the corner.

Very stuck, she blinked, took a closer look, and instantly widened her eyes.

In the corner of the sofa, Liang Feimo heard the sound and knew that someone was coming in, so he raised his eyes subconsciously.

With just one glance, he caught sight of the girl with long curly hair, stunning figure and charming face.

She was standing at the entrance, her dazzling figure was very eye-catching.

Liang Feimo tightened his grip on the wine glass.

Rao Shixin did not expect Liang Feimo to be in the private room.

She subconsciously turned around and wanted to escape, but the door was blocked by her own brother.

"Brother, get out of the way, I'm going back, I have an announcement tomorrow."

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows lightly, "Didn't you just keep arguing to come?"

"That was just now, now I...I suddenly remembered that I have important things to do, I'd better go back first." Rao Shixin didn't want to stay with Liang Feimo.

You know, she asked Liang's secretary to take her to tell Liang Feimo about her refusal to accept the endorsement and break the contract in the afternoon, but in the evening she met Liang Feimo face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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