The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 813 Attacking his appearance?

Chapter 813 Attacking his appearance?
Rao Shixin didn't want to wait for Liang Feimo to insist on breaking the contract, so he left in a hurry!

How should I put it, it will take a few days for the billion to arrive at the fastest!

Now she is a little bit lacking in confidence!
The corners of Rao Shichen's eyes twitched slightly, "Are you scared? What are you afraid of? There are no wolves, tigers, or leopards here."

Rao Shixin: "."

She can't tolerate others questioning her, not even her own brother!

"Joke, what am I to be cowardly or afraid of? Brother, you are talking nonsense, okay?"

"Then you're in a hurry to go back? Let's have a drink together when we come here. It's not like you don't know my brother's friends." Rao Shichen deliberately used aggressive methods.

Rao Shixin was so excited that he lost his mind for a moment and didn't realize it.

She responded, "Just drink."

Lou Jianian saw Rao Shichen's deliberation, so she frowned slightly, and secretly pinched Rao Shichen's arm with her little hand.

Rao Shichen felt some kind of pain from his arm, and then his eyebrows frowned slightly.

At this moment, Gu Ze got up from the sofa.When he got up, he sipped his glass of wine again, and walked up to Rao Shichen, "Old Dog Rao, it's so strange that you brought this one from your family today."

Rao Shichen looked proud, "We must let her get acquainted with you, now let me introduce you, this is my wife, baby, this one is Gu Ze."

"Tsk." The tip of Gu Ze's tongue swept his lips and teeth, and he looked at Lou Jianian.

Surprise flashed across Lou Jianian's eyes.

The lights were gorgeous, and the halo in the private room was a bit dazzling, so that she didn't see clearly what the person sitting on the sofa looked like just now, but even so, she still felt that this man looked familiar during the casual glance.

It wasn't until the man got up now, walked up to Rao Shichen and stood still, that she could see the man's face clearly.

This is the man whose teeth she knocked out last time?

Lou Jianian really did not expect that Rao Shichen and him actually knew each other.

Probably because of what happened last time, now she felt a little awkward for no reason, "Hello, we meet again, my name is Lou Jianian."

"Heh." Gu Ze let out a cool smile from his lips, and said in a strange way: "It's true that we meet again, but it's such a coincidence, I didn't expect it, hiss. Why did I suddenly have a toothache?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stepped on the trouser leg in the next second, as if there were more footprints.

"Damn, old dog Rao, what are you doing? I'm wearing these pants for the first time today."

Rao Shichen's cool eyes swept towards Gu Ze, "If you have a toothache, go to the dentist."

Gu Ze: "."

Is this too much?
He is not allowed to mention the truth?
Lou Jianian was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry about what happened last time. It was a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to knock out your teeth."

Hearing this, Gu Ze licked his lips, the aggrieved feeling in his heart was finally better.

No matter what, he is also a man, and it is impossible to really hold on to one thing.However, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when his trouser leg was trampled on inexplicably.

Rao Shichen snorted softly, "Misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding, he looks like he deserves to be beaten."

Gu Ze: "."

That's too much! Hey!
Assault on his good looks?
"Hi, Gu Ze, long time no see." Rao Shixin suddenly raised his hand in greeting, distracting Gu Ze's attention.

Gu Ze turned his eyes, saw Rao Shixin, and then his eyes lit up, "Hey, Rao Shixin, a big star, is too rare. It's rare to see you, and you're beautiful again."

(End of this chapter)

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