The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 814 These two brothers and sisters are really poisonous!

Chapter 814 These two brothers and sisters are really poisonous!

"Really?" Rao Shixin's charming eyes were suddenly filled with joy.

"I, Gu Ze, can say anything false?" Gu Zexie added a smile to his wanton face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt a cold gaze staring at him from the back of his head?
Rao Shixin chuckled and said, "Gu Ze, when I saw you today, I also noticed that you seem to have changed."

"Oh?" Gu Ze raised his hand to stroke the black hair on his forehead, and made a pose that he thought was pretty, "How is it? Have you become more handsome?"

Rao Shixin raised his hand and stroked his chin, and after taking a serious look, "Well, the hairline has moved back, the corners of the eyes are more wrinkled, and then, the face seems to be greasy."

Gu Ze: "."

These two brothers and sisters are really vicious!

On the side, Rao Shichen's eyes were stained with sarcasm.

Lou Jianian raised his hand and touched his nose.

Obviously, the siblings did it on purpose!
Although Rao Shixin didn't know what misunderstanding had occurred between Gu Ze and Lou Jianian before, but when Gu Ze said something weird just now, Rao Shixin naturally guessed something.

That's why she speaks so venomously.

"Cough" Gu Ze withdrew his posture, curled his lips, "Forget it, let's stop talking, let's have a drink." After speaking, he turned around, only to see a pair of cold and sharp eyes shooting directly at him like a cold light.

Gu Ze: "???"

What is Old Dog Liang doing looking at him like that?
Rao Shichen took Lou Jianian's hand, gently and carefully led him to the sofa, and then sat down together.

After taking his seat, he casually twirled a glass of fruit wine with very low alcohol content on the table, and handed it to Lou Jianian, "Drink this."

Lou Jianian raised his hand to take the fruit wine, took a sip of the wine, the faint smell of the wine spread between his lips and teeth, wrapped in a hint of sweetness.

Everyone has already sat down, only Rao Shixin.

She glanced around the sofa, and then stepped decisively to the place closest to the entrance.

After all, that position is the farthest from the man with the cold face paralyzed in the corner.

After sitting down, she obviously still felt a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, there was a certain man in this space, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

In order to relieve this discomfort, she raised her hand and sipped a glass of wine on the table, then raised her head and took a sip.

A colorful halo fell on her body, her beautiful neck was slender and fair, with a seductive and charming brilliance.

Maybe it's the lighting effect, but her simple movements inexplicably add charm and laziness, as well as a certain sexy temptation that people can't get rid of.

Today she wore a patterned short-sleeved top embroidered with silver sequins, skinny jeans, high heels, light makeup on her face, and loose hair.

It was clearly the simplest attire, but she was stunned by a different kind of charm.

But she didn't know that at this moment, her movement of sipping wine had already caught the eyes of a certain man in the corner.

I saw Liang Feimo's dark eyes flashing a glint of light, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and the next second, he rubbed the rim of the glass with his fingertips, and then he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

The cold wine quenched the heat that was about to move in his body.

Next to him, Gu Ze crossed his legs and occupied a single sofa by himself.With the wine in his hand, he glanced around.

"Tsk, old dog Rao, shouldn't you introduce Liang Feimo to your wife as well?" Gu Ze said with a kind of optimistic expression in his eyes.

In fact, he did it on purpose.

Liang Feimo's face is cold and paralyzed, and he has always been indifferent and ruthless in his dealings with people. He said this because he wanted to see the embarrassing scene where Lou Jianian greeted Liang Feimo and was ignored by Liang Feimo.

His wishful thinking was pretty good, but the facts proved that his thinking was too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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