The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 817 Smelly girl, you're still pretty good!

Chapter 817 Smelly girl, you're still pretty good!
In the private room, the ambiance is not bad.

Gu Ze was holding the wine glass, shaking it slightly, his gaze sometimes turned to Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian who were sitting across from the sofa.

Not to mention, these two people are really dazzling together!
Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he was indeed a little envious!
When will he end his single career?

Thinking of this, a certain girl with shoulder-length hair and big eyes suddenly flashed through his mind.

I don't know if she stayed in the apartment obediently and tidied up the house for him?
You know, when he went out, he specifically ordered her not to leave. If she dared to sneak home, he would deduct her salary!
Maybe he was worried, so he took out his phone, clicked on WeChat, found a certain name, and then typed and sent a message.

On the other side, Qiu Qingqing just went downstairs and just raised her hand to hail a taxi, when she suddenly received a message on her mobile phone.

She sat in the car, told the master to go to the Regal Bar, then swiped open the phone screen, and saw that it was a WeChat message from someone, and instantly, her face frowned.

Gu Ze: Is the house tidy?If you dare to be lazy, I will deduct your salary!
After reading the news, she snorted softly and complained in dissatisfaction: "Capitalist, big bastard, fuck you."

While cursing, she suddenly felt that someone was staring at her?

She raised her eyes subconsciously, and was surprised to find that the driver's eyes were looking at her probingly through the rearview mirror.

Immediately, her scalp became numb, and she said with a dry laugh, "I'm not scolding you, I...I'm scolding the person in the phone."

Hearing this, the driver master withdrew his eyes and looked at the road ahead.

Qiu gently breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes fell on the phone screen again, and then tapped the screen to reply to the message.

Qiu Qingqing: Boss, please go play with peace of mind. I'm cleaning the apartment right now, and I'll make sure that the house is as bright as new when you come back. Don't talk about it, I'm going to work
After sending the message, a little pride flashed across her round eyes.

Hehe, the big bastard is not in the apartment anyway, she just goes out to play around secretly and then returns to the apartment!

Her calculations were very loud, but unfortunately, she didn't know what she was about to face in this trip.

Since signing the nanny contract last time, Qiuqingqing has become Gu Ze's personal servant, responsible for cooking, cleaning, tidying up the house and so on.

At this time, in the private room, after Gu Ze saw the news, a certain satisfaction appeared on Xie Si's face.

He touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, and then hummed softly from the end of his nose.

Damn girl, she's pretty good!
He put away his mobile phone, twirled his wine glass, and after taking a sip of the wine, he suddenly felt quite boring, so he raised his eyes.

On the opposite side, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian were still cuddling together, while next to them, Rao Shixin was leaning on the back of the sofa and typing on his mobile phone, seemingly chatting with someone.

Then, his eyes swept to the man sitting in the corner beside him, except for being cold, it was still cold.

It's no fun staying with these people!
He felt a little bored, so he tapped on the phone screen again with a light touch of his finger, and then found the four old dogs in the WeChat group, someone from Aite.

Gu Ze: @冷吉瑞老狗, when the hell are you coming over?I am almost bored to death.

Outside, in the corridor of the bar, under the warm light, the man's tall and thick body was walking towards the private room with long legs. Suddenly, the phone vibrated, and the man took out the phone to check the news.

Seeing Aite himself in the wechat group, the corner of the man's eyes twitched slightly, and then he put away the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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