The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 818 Rao Shixin Laughed Unkindly

Chapter 818 Rao Shixin Laughed Unkindly
The man walked to the private room, raised his hand and held the doorknob to open the door.

As the door opened, his amber eyes swept across the private room, and then a gleam of light flashed across it.

On the sofa, the extra girls around Rao Shichen caught Leng Qirui's eyes slightly surprised.

Soon, he walked in and closed the door behind him.

Because of his appearance, everyone in the private room turned their attention to him.

Gu Ze clicked his tongue, tapped Erlang's leg, shook the liquor, and sneered, "Lenggou, I fucking thought you were nursing the baby at home, so you can't come."

"Oh." Leng Qirui sneered from the corner of his lips, "Are you jealous that I have a child, but you don't?"

Gu Ze: "."

Leng Qirui wore a sportswear today, very casual, looking handsome and unruly.He raised his hand to straighten his collar, and continued to fight back: "But it's okay, I know you haven't slept with a woman, so there is no such thing as a child."

Gu Ze: "!!!"

"Pfft!" Rao Shixin smiled unkindly.

Gu Ze's face darkened, "What are you laughing at?"

"I really didn't expect that, if Leng Qirui hadn't said it, I really didn't know, Gu Ze, you are still a baby, hahaha." Rao Shixin laughed loudly.

Gu Ze felt that he couldn't hold back his face.He had never slept with a woman yet, but Leng Gou exposed it so directly.

You know, there are still Rao Shixin and Lou Jianian in this private room today.

Gu Ze's angry eyes shot at Leng Qirui.

Leng Qirui told him calmly with his eyes: You provoked me first.

It was inevitable that Leng Qirui was uttering something explosive, but Gu Ze suppressed the breath, and then looked at the person on the other end who was still laughing non-stop.

Dissatisfied, he tapped the glass tabletop with his index finger a few times, "Rao Shixin, have you laughed enough?"

Rao Shixin obviously had a smirk on his face, "By the way, Gu Ze, as a man, how did you survive?"

Gu Ze: "These of us are all fucking older than you, why are you calling us by our full names, is there any courtesy?"

Rao Shixin put his hands on his hips and said, "I'll call you by my full name!"

Gu Ze: "I said Rao Shichen, you can't take care of your sister anymore?"

Hearing this, Rao Shichen responded extremely coldly: "No."

Gu Ze: "."

Rao Shixin chuckled.

At the corner, Liang Feimo's eyes sank imperceptibly.He twisted the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.

Gu Ze didn't want to embarrass himself any more, so he simply stopped talking.

At the entrance, Leng Qirui took his long legs, lifted him to a seat, picked up the wine glass on the table, and glanced at Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian who was beside Rao Shichen.

Lou Jianian's dark eyes swept away and collided with Leng Qirui's.

Ever since Leng Qirui appeared, she was surprised!

How to put it, she knew about the matter between Leng Qirui and Nalan Jun, so she knew Leng Qirui, but she never thought that Leng Qirui would be one of the so-called "pig friends" in Rao Shichen's mouth. one.

She suddenly thought that Nalan Jun would come over later.If Nalan Jun and Leng Qirui were allowed to stay in the same private room, how would Nalan Jun deal with himself?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little worried, but in a flash, she suppressed her worry again.

No matter what, Nalan Jun and Leng Qirui have divorced long ago. From a legal point of view, Nalan Jun has nothing to do with Leng Qirui. In addition, Nalan Jun will go to Leng's house to apply for a servant tomorrow.

Since we have to face it sooner or later, why should we care about tonight, just make mental preparations first.

(End of this chapter)

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