Chapter 824 This Is Rao Shixin?

"I know." Rao Shichen exudes warmth all over his body, easily giving people a good impression, "Niannian mentioned it before."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows.

A gleam of light appeared in Nalan Jun's eyes.It was said in the rumors that Rao Shichen was mysterious and indifferent, but seeing him today, it seems that this is not the case.

How to put it, she thinks this is a very elegant man, and he is easy to talk to.

It seems that the rumors are not credible.

"Ah! I got it." Qiu Qingwei exclaimed suddenly: "You are the Rao Shichen, the president of the Rao Group who had a car accident?"

She was slow to react, and finally remembered at this moment.

With a slight smile on the corner of Rao Shichen's lips, he responded, "It's me."

"What a surprise!" Qiu Qingqing still felt incredible, "I thought after that car accident, you..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized that she had said something wrong, so she immediately raised her hand to cover her small mouth, turned her eyes, and then smiled, and said: "Well, it seems that the rumors are all false, Mr. Rao, you seem to be alive and well." , nothing at all."

"Since it's a rumor, it must not be credible." Rao Shichen was calm and composed, with a straight figure and an air of nobility all over his body.

Qiu Qingqing suddenly remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet, so she hurriedly said, "By the way, my name is Qiu Qingqing."

"Oh?" Rao Shichen's eyes showed some deep thought, "Qiu Qingqing, this name is very good."

"Boss Rao praised you." A smile appeared on Qiu Qingqing's face.

On the other side of the sofa, Gu Ze finds it dazzling no matter how he looks at it.

What is this girl doing with such a bright smile?
Rao Shichen acted gentle, and his voice became more and more magnetic, "The Rao Group has no land at present, and Niannian is with me, and I feel a little wronged."

"?" Hearing this, the smile on Qiu Qingqing's face suddenly stopped!

She seemed to think of something she had said before.

Nalan Jun heard it, his eyes fluttered, and he remained silent.

On the side, Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, and pressed Rao Shichen's palm with her small hand.

Rao Shichen's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt some kind of strength from a soft little hand in his palm, so he continued: "But don't worry, I will work hard to make money so that Niannian can live a good life."

Nalan Jun smiled, "Boss Rao is too modest. Your strength is a lesson to be learned from all over the world. Nian Nian will have a good life with you."

Hearing this, Qiu Qingqing always felt that there was something in this President Rao's words?
Helpless, she was so confused that she didn't understand what Mr. Rao wanted to express.

She could only smile and agree with Nalan Jun: "Jun Jun is right, Nian Nian and President Rao are together, we can rest assured."

"So, then I know." Rao Shichen's phoenix eyes swept towards Lou Jianian who was beside him.

Lou Jianian responded with a gentle smile.

Under the glare, the man is handsome and the girl is pure. Just standing together is a seductive picture.

Nalan Jun and Qiu Weiwei couldn't help being amazed!
At this moment, Rao Shixin came up, "Hi, hello, I'm Rao Shixin."

Nalan Jun and Qiu Qingqing's eyes were filled with surprise.

I didn't look carefully just now, and I didn't realize until now that this is Rao Shixin?

Nalan Jun was relatively calm, but there was obvious surprise in his expression. As for Qiu Qingqing, he was so shocked that his entire mouth opened into an O shape, "Oh my god, you are Rao Shi, the big star who played "Jinse Cardamom". Xin?"

(End of this chapter)

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