Chapter 825 That Happy Heart!
Rao Shixin had a sweet smile, her charming eyes were full of stars, "I was recognized by you, yes, I am that Rao Shixin."

Qiu lightly raised her hand and pinched her thigh, "I'm going, it hurts! This is not a dream, it's a real person!"

"Pfft, is this still fake?" Rao Shixin flicked her long hair, and continued: "You two are my sister-in-law's girlfriends, and if that's the case, they can be regarded as my girlfriends, and we will have nothing to do together in the future Let's play."

Qiu blinked his eyes lightly, "Wait, what little sister-in-law? Could it be that you and Rao are always siblings?"

"Ang, the kind that is your own." Rao Shixin smiled.

Qiu Qingwei couldn't believe it.Unexpectedly, the big star Rao Shixin turned out to be a daughter of a family. If she hadn't seen it today, she really wouldn't know it.

Except for Qiu Weiwei who was surprised, Nalan Jun next to him was naturally no exception.

She suddenly remembered that the previous media reports had never revealed any background about Rao Shixin, which showed that Rao Shixin was a low-key wealthy daughter. Regarding this point, she thought Rao Shixin was a very hardworking girl.

You know, Rao Shixin is a black-and-white entertainer in the entertainment industry, but if Rao Shixin throws out her identity and background, no one dares to black her anymore, but she didn't, she just took the film seriously and accepted it. Endorsement, and finally won an award for his acting skills.

Nalan Jun's peachy eyes were stained with a smile, "So you and Rao are brother and sister, by the way, let me introduce first, my name is Nalan Jun."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin chuckled, "I, I heard you talking to my brother just now, your name is Nalan Jun, and your name is Qiu Qingqing."

Qiu Qingqing's eyes lit up for a moment, she nodded like a pounding garlic, and said, "Yes, yes, my name is Qiu Qingqing." While speaking, she thought of something again, so she turned her eyes and said : "Then what, actually I have a request, I wonder if you can agree to it?"

"Huh?" Rao Shixin was puzzled, "What is it?"

"May I take a photo with you?" Qiu Qing put his palms together with anticipation on his face.

"Is there even a need to ask?" Rao Shixin patted his chest, "It's just too good."

Qiu Qingqing's eyes lit up, and then she took out her phone from her pocket, leaned forward, and took a photo with Rao Shixin.

After taking the group photo, she looked at the photo happily, feeling so happy in her heart!
On the other side of the sofa, Gu Ze looked at Qiu Qingqing with a look of foolish eyes.

Isn't this girl just taking a photo with someone, as for being so happy?

Qiu gently sent the photo to Moments, and then put away the phone contentedly.

It's just that she just put away her phone, and when she looked up, her gaze collided with a certain eye on the sofa.

Gu Ze twirled the wine glass, a hint of arrogance evidently appeared on his sinister face.

From just now to now, Qiu Qingqing has never turned her gaze to this side.Until now, Dang Qiuqing's eyes finally noticed him, and he immediately raised his jaw, showing the arrogance he thought his employer should have.

However, it turned out that he was still too confident.

After Qiu Weiwei's eyes collided with him, she quickly looked away in disdain.

Gu Ze: "."

Perhaps out of anger, he twisted the wine glass to his lips, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Qiu Qingwei didn't take Gu Ze seriously at all.

For her, when she was in the apartment, she was employed, and when she left the apartment, she was no longer kidnapped by the status of employment.

(End of this chapter)

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