The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 827 After all, he is a man with facial paralysis!

Chapter 827 After all, he is a man with facial paralysis!
In the corner, Liang Feimo's cold face appeared to have no warmth.

His slender legs were spread wide, his body leaned forward slightly, and the black suit he was wearing set off his broad chest.He held a glass of orange wine in his hand, sipped it slowly, and said nothing.

From just now to now, he has hardly said a single word.

Ice cubes!
Rao Shixin pouted, and quickly looked away.

No one responds, which means no one has a pen with them.

She thought for a while, then said, "Gently, wait for me, I'll ask the waiter for a pen before I come in." Then, she planned to go out.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden crackling sound on the glass tabletop. Although it was not loud enough, it still fell into everyone's ears.

All eyes turned to the source of the sound, followed by someone complaining.

"Liang Feimo, why don't you take out your pen sooner?" The voice was Gu Ze.

It's no wonder why Gu Ze complained so much, after all, it was Qiu Qingqing who wanted to sign.

When Rao Shixin heard Gu Ze's words, he froze for a moment, and then followed Liang Feimo.After looking at it, he realized that there was a golden pen on the glass table in front of Liang Feimo.


So, Liang Feimo obviously has a pen, but he just took it out now?

Qiu Weiwei said excitedly: "Shi Xin, I have a pen, so I don't need to go out to get it."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin's eyes wandered for a moment, then he licked his lips, and said with a smile: "I'd better go get the pen from the waiter, Mr. Liang's pen is used to sign the contract, so I can't use it. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Liang Feimo raised his dark eyes and suddenly fell on her.She paused, her scalp numb, but she still looked directly at the other party, a bit unwilling to show weakness.

Just looking at each other across the air, the atmosphere is a bit weird.

Rao Shixin clenched her little hands tightly, her slender eyelashes flickered.From her state, it is not difficult to see that she is demonstrating.

Looking at Liang Feimo again, his face has no warmth, and his pupils are too deep, making it impossible to see emotions at all.

Or, in fact, he has no emotions at all, after all, he is a man with facial paralysis!
Besides being cold, what expression could he have?
After staring at each other for about 1 minute, when everyone in the private room thought that the two had clues, Liang Feimo suddenly withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and took away the pen on the table, and inserted it into the pocket of his suit .

Some kind of dissatisfaction flashed across Rao Shixin's eyes.She just casually said that he really put away the pen?
Thinking of this, she couldn't breathe for a while, and finally had to take a deep breath to suppress her emotions. Not only that, she deliberately raised a smile on her face, pretending not to care and said, "I'd better go out and get it from the waiter." Alright, come in soon."

As she said that, she immediately stepped forward and raised her hand to hold the doorknob, and opened the door.

After she disappeared from the private room as the door opened and closed, everyone was stunned.

Soon, everyone turned their attention to Liang Feimo in the corner.

Liang Feimo's icy face was significantly warmer.I saw that his hand holding the wine glass tightened for a few minutes, and in the next second, he put the wine glass on the table, then got up, and was about to go out.

At this time, Gu Zexie's face showed some playfulness, and his eyebrows were raised slightly, "Hey, Liang Feimo, where are you going?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo walked towards the door, raised his hand to hold the door handle, opened the door, and said coldly, "Toilet." At the same time, he had already left the private room.

(End of this chapter)

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