The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 828 Was It Just an Illusion?

Chapter 828 Was It Just an Illusion?
When the gate was closed, Gu Ze snorted, "I thought you were going to chase Shi Xin."

After speaking, he sneered again, thinking it was impossible.

Liang Feimo is too cold, how could he take the initiative to chase girls?What's more, that girl is Rao Shichen's younger sister Rao Shixin, she is simply a little devil.

Besides, it is simply impossible for Liang Feimo to fall in love with Rao Shixin.

Also, if Liang Feimo really liked him, he would have been with Rao Shixin a few years ago, so why wait now?

That's right, because Rao Shixin was Rao Shichen's younger sister, she had known them a long time ago, which was why Rao Shixin would call them by their first names.

Of course, what Gu Ze said before Liang Feimo went out was just a joke.

But he didn't know that Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin had been together a few years ago.

At that time, the two did not have a public relationship, and it was an underground relationship, so Gu Ze didn't know about it.

After Liang Feimo's figure disappeared, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian looked at each other.There was a flash of light in the eyes of both of them.

At this time, Nalanjun and Qiuwei were surprised again.

Just now, that cold man was Liang Feimo, the president of the Liang Group?
The Liang family is at the top of the jewelry business, and everyone knows about the name Liang Feimo.Rumor has it that President Liang is cold and ruthless, let's take a look today.
The two suddenly felt that there were times when the rumors were credible.

Among all the people, only Leng Qirui always had an indifferent expression that had nothing to do with him.

On the other side, after leaving the private room, Liang Feimo stood in the corridor, his dark eyes flooded with deep understanding.

Not far away, the sexy and enchanting body of a girl with wavy hair was leaning against the wall.

The halo from the top casts down, and the girl is holding a mobile phone in her hand and talking on the phone.

"Xiao Zhang, did anyone really come to see those houses?" Rao Shixin's charming eyes rolled around, and his expression was full of eagerness.

Not long after she came out of the private room, she received a call from Xiao Zhang.

Since it was Xiaozhang who called, it means that there has been progress in her sale of the house.

In order to get one billion as soon as possible, she handed over the key to Xiaozhang in the afternoon, and urged Xiaozhang and Xiaozhang's cousin to try their best to sell the house in the shortest possible time.

Unexpectedly, I just handed over the keys and went out in the afternoon, and there will be progress tonight.

"Sister Shi Xin, it's like this. There were indeed one or two customers who came to see me in the evening. However, one customer said that the financial pressure was a bit heavy after seeing it. He asked if he could pay in installments?" Xiaozhang came over the phone. the sound of.

Rao Shixin frowned, and then responded: "That won't work, I'm desperate for money now, I want one billion, otherwise I don't need to rush to sell my house."

"Then I got it, I went back and told the other party that the landlord asked for a one-time payment."

"Yes, what I want is a one-time payment, the faster the better, it is best to sign the contract, and the money will arrive in seconds."

"Ok, Sister Shi Xin, I know what to do."

"Okay, please let me know as soon as you have any news."

In the corridor, Liang Feimo's eyes were cold, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.In the next second, he walked towards the bathroom at the end.

Rao Shixin hung up the phone, glanced around, only to find that the corridor was empty and there was no one there.

So, it was just an illusion?
She thought someone was eavesdropping over there!

(End of this chapter)

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