The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 831 There seems to be a smell of blood in the air

Chapter 831 There seems to be a smell of blood in the air
Gu Ze decided in his heart that after returning home, he must clean up Qiu Qingqing well.

Just like that, he brought the wine glass to his lips, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp.

The next second, he put down his wine glass and suddenly remembered something, so he took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat, and found a certain name.

Gu Ze: Liang Feimo, have you fallen into the latrine?
On the other side, the Liang family, this is a villa that is located on the mountainside and occupies a very large area.

At the door, a Phantom drove into the wrought iron gate.

In the back seat of the car, Liang Feimo took out his mobile phone, clicked on the message and saw that it was from Gu Ze, so he ignored it and threw the mobile phone into his pocket.

As Wen Xin stopped the car, Liang Feimo opened the door and stepped out of the car.

The entire villa is brightly lit and extremely luxurious.

After Liang Feimo got out of the car, he inadvertently glanced at the peach blossoms planted in front of the iron fence not far away.

It is already summer, and all the peach blossoms have fallen, leaving only the leaves hanging on the branches.

The bright lights cast on the branches, casting mottled shadows.

Liang Feimo's eyes flashed with deep understanding, and the words that a certain soft voice once said in his ear suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Liang Feimo, I like peach blossoms the most. You must plant a peach blossom tree for me in the future, and let me see how much you love me."

In the quiet night, Liang Feimo looked at the peach blossom tree, as if his heart was tightly grasped by a hand, and even his face was filled with some emotion that he didn't usually have.

Inside the car, Wen Xi was a little confused.

What is Mr. Liang doing looking at the peach blossom tree over there?
Wen Xi always felt that Mr. Liang today was too unusual as usual.He thought, should he go back like this or stay here?

After thinking about it, Wen Xi thinks that he is a secretary, and this is the Liang family's mansion, not a company.

In the end, he decided to go back!
Until Wen Xi'an left, Liang Feimo still stared at the peach blossom tree and did not move for a long time.

For a long time, I waited until the dazzling lights came over.

Liang Feimo's body moved slightly before his eyes swept towards the entrance.

At this time, outside the wrought iron gate, a white car drove in.

Soon, the car stopped in front of Liang Feimo.

It was Mrs. Liang who got out of the car.

When Mrs. Liang saw Liang Feimo, her eyes lit up instantly, "Son, why are you back so early today?"

Before, Liang Feimo was always busy every day until late, and Mrs. Liang hardly looked at Liang Feimo from before going to bed to after waking up.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, his thin lips were cold, and he remained silent.

Mrs. Liang sighed in a low voice, "Son, look at you. You are only busy with work every day. You are already a big boy. Mom hopes that you can spare some time to find a girl to have a relationship with. You."

While speaking, she vaguely sensed a smell of blood in the air.

Soon, she glanced around, and was finally surprised to find that there was a wound on the palm of her son.

"Oh, son, why are you hurt?" Mrs. Liang was extremely worried.

Liang Feimo's face turned cold, his thin lips parted slightly, "I accidentally hurt it."

"But, it's bleeding and scabbed. It's all right. I'll call the doctor to come over."

"No need." Liang Feimo refused coldly, "It's getting late, I'm going back to the room first." After speaking, he turned around and stepped inside.

Mrs. Liang paused, but she was still worried after all, so she hurried in and said, "Son, or Mom can treat your wound."

(End of this chapter)

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