Chapter 832

Liang Feimo's slender legs had just stepped up the spiral staircase when he suddenly heard Mrs. Liang's words behind him, so he responded coldly: "This is a small injury, there is no need to deal with it."

After speaking, he went straight upstairs and returned to his room.

Mrs. Liang was a little puzzled.

What's wrong with my son tonight?
Is the cooperation case negotiation failed?Or did the investment project fail?
Or, have you been hurt by a girl you like?
When these possibilities flashed through Mrs. Liang's mind, Mrs. Liang soon denied it.

Of course, what Mrs. Liang denied was the last idea!
She thought, how could someone like her son, who was only enthusiastic about work all day long, have a girl he liked?

Well, she was just thinking about it!

On the other side, Liang Feimo returned to the room.

When the door of the room was closed, he raised his hand to unbutton the collar of his shirt, followed by taking off his suit, and threw it on the sofa.

At the same time, he strode forward with long legs and walked towards the bar, rolling up his cuffs to his forearms as he walked. Then he stood in front of the wine cabinet, opened the glass door, and took out a bottle of wine from it.

Then, he took the corkscrew and opened the wine.

After taking out the cork, he picked up a goblet, held the wine, and slowly poured the wine along the rim.

Silent night.

Liang Feimo twirled the goblet and walked to the terrace. He looked at the brightest star in the night sky with his dark and cold eyes, but there was loneliness deep in his heart.

The halo cast on him, and his back was coated with a layer of dazzling light.In this summer night, he just leaned against the railing alone, silently admiring the night sky.

Not a moment later, he twirled the wine glass, brought it to his lips, and took a sip of the wine. The next second, his eyes swept away, and suddenly fell on the hand that was injured by smashing the mirror in the bathroom just now.

Under Yingliang, the blood on the palm had already congealed, the wound was not deep, but it was very eye-catching.

Liang Feimo's eyes gradually became darker, staring at the wound, he said to himself, "Rao Shixin, why do you have to leave me? Why?"

This time, he didn't take any more aggressive actions, but the sadness in his eyes deepened.

At this time, on the side of the bar, in the private room.

Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian are still together.The two were already drinking a glass of orange juice and chatting.

As for Rao Shixin and Qiu Qingqing, the topic still revolved around filming and the crew.

Gu Ze drank his wine sullenly.

In the entire space, Nalan Jun was probably the one who was more embarrassed.

She sipped the fruit wine silently, taking a sip from time to time.

In the middle of the sofa, Leng Qirui maintained a domineering and powerful sitting posture.His face was indifferent, and his eyes were fixed on the wine in the glass.

The light shines through the glass, refracting some kind of dazzling and charming light.

His eyes seemed to be fixed on the wine glass, but in fact, his eyes were looking through the glass, looking at a girl in bright yellow who was as quiet as a chicken on the opposite side.

From a short distance, he could clearly see that the girl was bored, and she was holding the wine glass in her little hand and rubbing the rim of it constantly.

There was an indescribable gleam in his amber eyes.

The next second, his cell phone buzzed suddenly, it was an incoming call.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the housekeeper calling, then raised his hand and pressed the answer button, "What's the matter?"

During the phone call, he didn't know what the other party said, he frowned slightly, and then said: "Understood, I'll go back."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and put away the phone.


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(End of this chapter)

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