The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 833 Nalan Jun Really Smiles Happy

Chapter 833 Nalan Jun Really Smiles Happy

Leng Qirui got up from the sofa, then walked towards the door.

At this moment, dissatisfaction surfaced on Gu Zexie's wanton face, "Where are you going?"

"Go home." Leng Qirui dropped these words, and then his figure disappeared into the private room.

Gu Ze snorted coldly.Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the private room, he also felt quite boring.

However, he glanced at Nalan Jun who was not far away.

After Leng Qirui left, he found that Nalan Jun's slightly stiff body seemed to relax.

Just now, Nalan straightened her back, holding the wine glass with both hands, slowly rubbing the rim of the glass with her fingertips, but when Leng Qirui left, she began to lean on the back of the sofa, and the movement of rubbing the rim of the glass stopped. , the whole person seems to be in a relaxed state.

Secretly discovering this, Gu Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, rubbed his chin with his palm, then took out his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, found Leng Qirui, and sent a message.

Leng Qirui, who had just left the bar, just got into the car when he suddenly found a message on his phone.

He took out his phone and saw it was a WeChat message.

Gu Ze: Lenggou, your wife was very restrained just now, and now she finally has a smile on her face. Could it be because of you leaving?

After reading the news, Leng Qirui's amber eyes turned cold.

Soon, he threw the phone on the passenger seat and started the car.

The car sped along the road.

The street lights are bright, and the sound of cicadas can be heard at night in summer.

The car window was half down, and the wind blew by, carrying a scent of flowers that belonged to summer.

Leng Qirui stared at the road in front of him, and controlled the steering wheel with both hands, his whole body was indifferent.

In the private room, Gu Ze saw that the message he sent did not receive any reply from the other party, so his eyebrows frowned slightly.

In the next second, he glanced at Nalan Jun on the opposite side again.

Soon, some kind of bad taste ignited in his eyes.He clicked on the camera function of his mobile phone, and then secretly pointed the camera at Nalan Jun.

On the sofa, Nalan Jun was sitting casually, holding the wine in his hand and shaking it gently.Under the light and shadow, there was a smile on her fair face.

Rao Shixin was still talking to Qiu Qingqing about filming, and Nalan Jun was also attracted by the many interesting things Rao Shixin revealed about the crew.

Gu Ze filmed this scene and sent it to Leng Qirui.

At this time, the Leng family mansion.

This is a mansion located in Chenghu District, which covers a very large area and is about four stories high.

From a distance, the whole house looks like the White House, golden and dazzling, especially after nightfall, when the lights are on, it is even more eye-catching.

Suddenly, a blue Continental drove into the mansion.

The car went directly around the fountain pool and stopped in front of the steps of the whole mansion.

Light was projected from the top corner, the headlights went out, and Leng Qirui just took off his seat belt in the driver's seat, when suddenly the phone rang again, it was a WeChat message.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, then took out his phone, clicked on it, and found out that it was a video sent by Gu Ze.

Without any hesitation, he tapped the button with his finger, and the video started playing.

In the picture, Nalan Jun, who was wearing bright yellow clothes, had a bright smile on his face, and the corners of his eyes were curved.

Her beautiful peach eyes blinked, and her slender eyelashes fluttered a few times, and she didn't know what kind of joke she had heard, and the smile on her face bloomed more and more.

The entire video is only a few seconds long, but from these few seconds, it is not difficult to see that Nalan Jun is really smiling happily.

(End of this chapter)

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