The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 840 It's hard for her to fall asleep tonight!

Chapter 840 It's hard for her to fall asleep tonight!
Leng Qirui interrupted Uncle Zhang and said, "Go to bed, I'll watch over tonight."

"This..." Uncle Zhang was taken aback, "Sir, let me do it."

Leng Qirui poured out ruthlessly: "Let you doze off here?"

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang showed embarrassment on his face, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir."

Leng Qirui waved his hand, "Go to sleep."

Finally, Zhang Bo left.

However, before leaving, he still didn't forget to hide secretly at the door and take a few glances through the gap in the door.

In the room, Leng Qirui sat by the bed, raised his palm, and landed on the little guy's forehead. After checking the temperature, he frowned slightly. After all, he took the temperature gun and tested it on the little guy. for a moment.

37.8 degrees.

After looking at the temperature displayed on it, Leng Qirui put down the temperature gun, got up, and walked towards the bathroom.

Not a moment later, he came out of the bathroom, but there was an extra towel in his hand.

When he came to the bed, he folded the towel and put it on the little guy's forehead, using physical methods to cool the little guy down.

At the door, Uncle Zhang looked at the scene, and his original worry disappeared immediately, replaced by relief.

After a while, he raised his hand to close the door, then turned and left.

Leng Qirui glanced at the door, then withdrew his gaze, and continued to guard the little guy.

The little guy moved his little hand occasionally in his sleep.

Leng Qirui held the little guy's hand in his palm, his usually stern face softened.

The night was getting darker and darker, probably because the towel was floating, the temperature of the little guy slowly dropped, the two blushes on his face when he had a fever also faded obviously, and his breathing was not as heavy as before.

However, the little guy seemed to be sleeping a little restlessly, sometimes frowning, and sometimes muttering to himself.

Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the little guy's small mouth that kept murmuring, then bent down to listen carefully.

"Smelly Baba"

Hearing this, Leng Qirui's face turned dark!
the other side.


Nalan Jun suffered from insomnia because he had to apply for a job tomorrow!

Right now, she is lying on the bed, tossing and turning but still unable to fall asleep.

The clock passed by every minute and every second, as long as she closed her eyes, all the things that flashed through her mind were the little guy who was still in the swaddling baby back then.

Now, several years have passed, and she has never seen the little guy.

She has no idea what he looks like!
Perhaps it was because she had the opportunity to see the little guy after applying for the job, so her whole brain was excited.

How many days and nights, she longed to see that little guy!
She was pregnant in October, and she suffered a lot. In order to conceive this little guy, she suffered a lot.

In a blink of an eye, the little guy was four years old.

Since leaving Leng's house, she has been counting the little guy's age every day.

Every time she walks on the street and sees a child of the same age as the little guy, more thoughts will arise in her heart.

Her baby probably doesn't know the existence of her mother now.

The night was deep, and as long as she thought of all this, she would toss and turn, and it was difficult to fall asleep, and the depths of her heart seemed to be blocked by something, which made her very uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, she simply lifted the quilt and got up, walked out of the bedroom, walked to the living room and poured a glass of cold water, then poured it down with her head raised.

After drinking a large cup of cool white tea, she took a deep breath, walked to the window, and looked at the night outside.

She knew it was going to be hard for her to fall asleep tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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