The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 841 Who is it in the middle of the night?

Chapter 841 Who is it in the middle of the night?
At this time, in the apartment on the other side.

Soft lighting floods the entire bedroom.

The sound of rushing water in the bathroom disappeared, and the next second, the door opened, and the girl was wrapped in a bath towel, and a certain part that was about to come out was very obvious. Under the slender waist, a pair of thin white legs were shining. Milky white glow.

Perhaps it was because she had just finished taking a bath, the girl's face was flushed, and her charming eyes looked more like a little fox in the blink of an eye.

Not long after Rao Shixin came back to the apartment, he lay down on the sofa and played a few games. If Yang Hui hadn't found out by playing the game before going to bed, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to chase after the phone.

Tomorrow the crew has a show, but Rao Shixin is still up in the middle of the night, so Yang Hui naturally has to take care of it.

Rao Shixin finally said a lot of promises to Yang Hui, and then quit the game to take a shower and go to bed.

Right now, just after taking a shower, she has fallen into an extremely relaxed state.

She was wiping her wet wavy hair with a towel in her hand, and walked to the water dispenser to pour herself a glass of water.

After pouring the water, she threw the towel onto the chair next to her, then raised her head and poured down the whole glass of water.


After filling a glass of water, she took out the hair dryer and started drying her hair.

However, just as the hair was half blown, a WeChat message suddenly came to the phone.

Who could it be in the middle of the night?
She subconsciously thought of her manager Yang Hui, but when she picked up the phone and swiped open the screen, she realized that it was Xiao Ke who was added as a friend.


Rao Shixin was a little surprised, but he still accepted the other party's friend request.

Soon, after agreeing with my friend, I sent a message to my friend.

Xiao Ke: Are you still asleep?

Seeing the news, Rao Shixin typed.

Xinxinshang: I'm about to go to sleep, by the way, why do you have my WeChat account?
At this time, Xiao Ke, who was in the apartment, saw the news, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the neon lights of the overpass in the distance are flickering, the traffic is coming and going, the night scene is pleasant, and the stars are shining.

Warm light shone on him. He was wearing a set of pure white home clothes. He looked clean and fresh, as warm as jade.

He didn't wear glasses, a few messy strands of hair fell on his forehead, his eyes were watching the messages on the phone, and the corners of his lips curled into a curve.

At the moment, he lives in a high-rise duplex apartment located in an area where every inch of land is expensive.

Those who can buy a house in this area are either rich or expensive.

Late at night, the apartment was silent.

Xiao Ke's slender hands tapped on the phone screen, making a slight sound.

After typing, he sent the message, looking at the distant scenery with deep eyes, but the girl's bright and beautiful face flashed in his mind.


Rao Shixin, who had just received the news, immediately clicked on it.

Xiao Ke: I got the WeChat ID with your agent. Next we will be on the same production team. With WeChat, it will be more convenient to communicate.

Rao Shixin agrees with this statement.So, she replied.

Xinxin Xiangxiang: That's right, I didn't even think that it was Actor Xiao who was thoughtful.

Xiao Ke: Didn't you say that?Actor Xiao seemed very unfamiliar and called me Xiao Ke.

Xinxin Upward: Great.

Xiao Ke: Shi Xin, I am looking forward to cooperating with you, I think it must be very interesting.

Xinxinshang: Huh?Xiao Ke, when you say that, I suddenly feel a little embarrassed.

Shock: I'm just telling the truth.

Xinxin Xiangshang: But, I'm notoriously black in the circle, aren't you afraid of being blacked out by me?
(End of this chapter)

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